Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In one week...

...we will get to see Baby Ehrmin again and find out if it is a boy or girl!

Update: I am beginning to feel Baby E move around a lot more! At least 4-5 time a day I will feel a big movement or kicking. It is the best feeling in the world! I've noticed that the best time for this is when I'm driving home from work...the baby must know how excited I am to get home and relax on the couch! (haha) Yesterday evening was the first time I felt the baby move from outside. I was resting my hands on my belly when laying down and felt a strong kick :) I can't wait for Denny to feel this!


Mimi and Papa said...

Oh that is so exciting! We can start calling baby elisabeth a gender soon.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Tee hee, Mimi thought E was Elisabeth....silly Mimi! E is baby Ehrmin. Anyways, so happy that you're feeling baby E more and more. I thought that you must be...and Denny soon enough. These are the times that I can remember most about my pregnancy. Relaxing on the couch with Craig, just adoring our baby in the belly. Ellie in my belly, miss those days. Savor the moments!

Jenny and Jon said...

Lay down at night, drink some milk and then get in bed and be still...that is the first time Jon was able to feel Jackson from the outside, it was really amazing. First I felt it (of course) and then I put his hand there and he was amazed. I think seeing the ultrasound and knowing the sex and starting to feel the baby is what makes it actually feel REAL for the dads to be.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

48 hours and counting....