Friday, September 25, 2009

I told my STUDENTS!

Today I shared our news with my students! I made a little math code and had them solve the "mystery" message. ---Mrs. Ehrmin is going to have a baby!---

Each and every student finished the message and immediately came running over to me with the same question...."Is it TRUE?" They were all giggling and so excited. After hundreds, literally hundreds, of questions I showed an ultrasound picture on the projector from my laptop! It was really fun to finally share the news with them. One little girl said, "This is the best news! I hope we get to meet your baby!" Another little boy said, "I had a hunch!" :)


Mimi and Papa said...

I remember sharing the "baby news" with my students - 4 times!!!! They loved being a part of our journey. I know that your little third graders will have a fun year with you and share in this wonderful baby. love, Mimi

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Time to break out the comfy, roomy and ever-adorable maternity clothes, the secret is out! :)