Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nursery Update

This past weekend we had friends over for dinner and they helped us transform the "guest room" to the beginnings of the nursery. After the guys moved all the old furniture out of the room, the girls put the crib together and arranged the new furniture. It is starting to look like a nursery!!!

We needed the guys to help loosen 4 screws before we could continue!
The girls took over again...
Smile Laura and Sally!
The finished product!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Her name is...


We wanted to share with everyone our future baby girl's name in case we haven't had a chance to tell you! We are very excited to meet little Lucy.

The story behind her name:
When I was in college I spent my summers working at Maumee Valley Country Day School's summer camp. At this camp I was responsible for running the preschool program. I absolutely loved the job and most of all loved the little 3, 4, and 5 year old campers. One summer we had a little brother and sisters attend from France for a few weeks. They were in town visiting their American grandparents and came to our camp during the day. The very first day I feel in love with "Lucy" who was the most petite, sweet, beautiful, gentle, french-speaking 4 year old you can imagine. At the end of her time with us, she even attempted to speak English to me when other children were not around. I remember saying to myself, "If we ever have a little girl I want to name her Lucy!" And now we are lucky enough to be able to do just that :)

Last night we had friends over and transformed the extra bedroom/office into a NURSERY! It was lots of fun and it looks great! We still haven't decided on bedding, paint colors, etc but we were able to arrange the furniture, etc. I'll post pictures soon...

Friday, September 25, 2009

I told my STUDENTS!

Today I shared our news with my students! I made a little math code and had them solve the "mystery" message. ---Mrs. Ehrmin is going to have a baby!---

Each and every student finished the message and immediately came running over to me with the same question...."Is it TRUE?" They were all giggling and so excited. After hundreds, literally hundreds, of questions I showed an ultrasound picture on the projector from my laptop! It was really fun to finally share the news with them. One little girl said, "This is the best news! I hope we get to meet your baby!" Another little boy said, "I had a hunch!" :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baby Ehrmin is a GIRL!!!

Today was an amazing day! We woke up, full of nerves, and went to Scramblers for breakfast @ 9:00. Then we headed to Dr. Atwood's office for THE ultrasound. At about 10:20 we were called back and within minutes Dr. A had begun the ultrasound. First she checked to see if the baby was healthy and confirmed a February 7th due date. Once all was well, she moved to her bottom and after a few minutes of "looking around" Dr. Atwood said, "I'd say Think Pink! She's a little girl!"

Minutes later we were in the car calling our family and sharing the news with everyone! When I got to school I put on a pink scarf to share the news! All the teachers were so excited and screaming down the hallways :)

We are beyond excited and obviously I'm already planning the nursery, bedding, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!!!

Here she is! Dr. A said she could be an "ultrasound model" the pictures were so good! (Although taking pictures of ultrasound pictures is not easy!) In the picture you will see her face, hand, and belly!

Look at her cute little nose and lips! That's her hand on the left side of her face :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Tomorrow @ 10:00 is our 20 week ultrasound appointment. We will share the news with every ASAP! Keep Baby Ehrmin in your prayers!

Monday, September 21, 2009

busy, busy weekend

OSU played UT at Cleveland Browns Stadium this weekend! The Ehrmin gang came to the game and we had lots of fun celebrating Stacy's birthday and cheering on the Bucks!


We had a very, very busy weekend with an OSU game at noon on Saturday, Melanie's bachelorette party that evening, and Elisabeth's birthday party Sunday! The weekend was a whirlwind as we drove from Columbus to Cleveland to Toledo back to Columbus all in one weekend! But we were glad to be a part of E's 2nd Birthday!!!

E got her very "own bike!"
As you can see on her face, this Minnie Mouse umbrella was her FAVORITE gift of the day!
What little girl doesn't want a horse?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In one week...

...we will get to see Baby Ehrmin again and find out if it is a boy or girl!

Update: I am beginning to feel Baby E move around a lot more! At least 4-5 time a day I will feel a big movement or kicking. It is the best feeling in the world! I've noticed that the best time for this is when I'm driving home from work...the baby must know how excited I am to get home and relax on the couch! (haha) Yesterday evening was the first time I felt the baby move from outside. I was resting my hands on my belly when laying down and felt a strong kick :) I can't wait for Denny to feel this!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Gender Guesses!!!

In just 10 days we will find out if Baby Ehrmin is a GIRl or BOY? We are soooo excited for this appointment! Here are the guesses you've made:

Aunt Julia
Uncle Craig
Cousin Elisabeth
Aunt Jenny
Uncle Jon
Cousin Jackson
Aunt Stacy
Uncle Kevin
Great-Grams Rowley

Grandma Ehrmin
Aunt Megan
Aunt Emily
Uncle Jay

And our guesses.....

Me = girl
Denny = girl (I was surprised by this, I thought he was going to guess boy!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Football Season

This past weekend we went to the first OSU game vs. Navy! We arrived on campus at 8:30a.m. to tailgate with Denny's friends from MBA classes at their new "bus." Brett and his brother bought a boy scout troop's bus and gave it a total face-lift turning it into the "Bucknutz Party Bus!" I am sure the bus will bring lots of fun this OSU football season!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Bump pics...

Here is a picture from 17 weeks:


Here is the picture from today (18 weeks)! Baby Ehrmin is really growing :)


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Only 16 more days...

Okay time to take a guess....In 16 days we will have an ultrasound to find out if little Baby Ehrmin is a BOY or GIRL! Click "comment" underneath this post and write if you think it is going to be a BOY or GIRL! We will then post all the guesses at the end of the week. Try to post your guess by next weekend :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Only 22 more days...

YAY! It is September 1st...which means only 22 days until my 20 week ultrasound appointment!

On September 23rd @ 10:00 I have a doctor's appointment to check on the baby's growth and to find out the gender! Denny and I are both taking half of the day off so we can go to breakfast, to the doctor's appointment, and maybe a little shopping once we find out if Baby Ehrmin is a boy or girl(although I don't know if Denny knows about this part of the plan-haha)!!! We can't wait!

Go Stacy!

On Sunday Stacy ran the 1/2 marathon relay with her friend Rachel here in Columbus. The "Spirit of Columbus" was a race along the Scioto River. Emily, Megan, Denny, and I cheered for Stacy and her friend as they completed the race!


Congrats on the great run!