Sunday, May 26, 2013

Velvet Ice Cream Festival

Memorial Day Weekend we went to the Velvet Ice Cream Festival in Utica, OH!  It was a beautiful, sunny, cool morning and the kids had a blast.

Lucy could not get enough of the bounce house slide...

She went down it at least 1,001 times!

Although, I think the biggest hit for Lucy was the "Cinderella Carriage" ride with Mommy.

The horses were BIG and beautiful!

As we were riding along she said to me, "Mommy, you are the queen and I'M THE PRINCESS!"  She smiled from ear-to-ear the whole ride and giggled in delight.

I wish I could freeze time at this very second forever.  She was the happiest little girl in the world!

Eddie like to watch the big wheel turn...

but enjoyed his first bites of orange sherbet even more!

Eddie and Daddy checked out all the cars.

Eddie with his red convertible!

"Check me out!"

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Elisabeth and Anneliese are so excited to see Cinderella's carriage! They would loooove to go for a ride!