Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meeting Mary-Claire!

Mother's Day weekend we traveled to Perrysburg to meet the newest baby in the family...beautiful Mary-Claire!

She is the most precious, baby girl.

I love her so much already!

I am one proud Auntie!

...and I love you Mary-Claire!

Julia and I sat on the couch and "ohhhed" and "ahhhed" over every detail of Mary-Claire, while the toddlers had a blast.  Cookies, movies, playroom were all involved.  We didn't mind a minute, because we were enjoyed a newborn baby!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful pictures. She's such a beauty and with that dark olive skin tone and brown hair...she's all mine! :) xo Thank you for coming (and for Panera lunch!).