Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

We traveled to Perrysburg to celebrate Mother's Day with Grandma Dee Dee and Mimi.

Grandma Dee Dee with her grandchildren.

And 4 children!

On Sunday, we had a special brunch at TCC to celebrate the day!

The best Mimi with grandchild #7!

Aunt Mimi and Mimi with Mary-Claire.

We were also lucky enough to see Gigi!

Four generations of Mothers here...

Ellie loving on Eddie boy.

His big brown eyes and sweet seersucker outfit just melted my heart!

My boys...

My beautiful Lucy Josephine!

Our family at Mother's Day Brunch!

And a Happy Mother's Day to Aunt Julia who is a new mother of 3 babies, with sweet Mary-Claire!

Mother's Day 2013

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