Monday, May 27, 2013

Concerts on The Green

Granville has a series of "Concerts on The Green" on Sunday evenings throughout the summer. They are a blast for the kids, with big open space to run and dance.

We feel blessed to have so many friends with young children to enjoy!

The kids enjoying lounging around with snacks.  (Oreos were a hit at this concert! HA)

Lucy had fun being silly with Canon and plugging her ears.

Relaxing summer evenings are good for the soul!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Velvet Ice Cream Festival

Memorial Day Weekend we went to the Velvet Ice Cream Festival in Utica, OH!  It was a beautiful, sunny, cool morning and the kids had a blast.

Lucy could not get enough of the bounce house slide...

She went down it at least 1,001 times!

Although, I think the biggest hit for Lucy was the "Cinderella Carriage" ride with Mommy.

The horses were BIG and beautiful!

As we were riding along she said to me, "Mommy, you are the queen and I'M THE PRINCESS!"  She smiled from ear-to-ear the whole ride and giggled in delight.

I wish I could freeze time at this very second forever.  She was the happiest little girl in the world!

Eddie like to watch the big wheel turn...

but enjoyed his first bites of orange sherbet even more!

Eddie and Daddy checked out all the cars.

Eddie with his red convertible!

"Check me out!"

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

We traveled to Perrysburg to celebrate Mother's Day with Grandma Dee Dee and Mimi.

Grandma Dee Dee with her grandchildren.

And 4 children!

On Sunday, we had a special brunch at TCC to celebrate the day!

The best Mimi with grandchild #7!

Aunt Mimi and Mimi with Mary-Claire.

We were also lucky enough to see Gigi!

Four generations of Mothers here...

Ellie loving on Eddie boy.

His big brown eyes and sweet seersucker outfit just melted my heart!

My boys...

My beautiful Lucy Josephine!

Our family at Mother's Day Brunch!

And a Happy Mother's Day to Aunt Julia who is a new mother of 3 babies, with sweet Mary-Claire!

Mother's Day 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Meeting Mary-Claire!

Mother's Day weekend we traveled to Perrysburg to meet the newest baby in the family...beautiful Mary-Claire!

She is the most precious, baby girl.

I love her so much already!

I am one proud Auntie!

...and I love you Mary-Claire!

Julia and I sat on the couch and "ohhhed" and "ahhhed" over every detail of Mary-Claire, while the toddlers had a blast.  Cookies, movies, playroom were all involved.  We didn't mind a minute, because we were enjoyed a newborn baby!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy Birthday, Eddie!

Edward is ONE!

I can't believe my cuddly, brown-eyed baby boy is one.

We look forward to another fun year with him! Welcome to the toddler years...

We practiced with a wooden birthday cake!  He's got the blowing out the candles thing down pat.