Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Lucy has had a great Halloween week! It seems like the events keep going this year. It is hard to believe Halloween day is actually tomorrow.

Thursday evening we were invited to a pre-Trick-or-Treating dinner party in Granville. Then we ventured out to take Lucy on her first Trick-or-Treating adventures.

With the "chicken" in the lead, we left the party and headed to the closest neighborhood.
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We were glad to have this warm chicken costume because it was only 47 out! BRR!

Lucy happily walked up the long drive, carrying her glow necklace.
Zoo and Halloween_111027_0107

We paused for some curb-sitting and curb-jumping!
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Yes, she could have done this all night! It's the small things in life. She is our little dare-devil.

We had costume on top and randomness below. Putting a costume on a toddler is quite the task.
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She was a chicken with her own style! HA!

Lucy lead me right up to the first house like she knew what she was doing...
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Then she looked into the bowl of candy and couldn't believe her eyes!
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And all she wanted to do was "eat chocolate."
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We made it to a total of 5 houses before we had pockets full of candy, a tired toddler, and a full sugar buzz going. We ended the Trick-or-Treating with one last candy bar before heading home.
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Zoo and Halloween_111027_0129

Happy Halloween! "I LOVE THIS HOLIDAY!"
Zoo and Halloween_111027_0108


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Happy Halloween, Lucy! I love the picture with her eyes closed and going to town on her chocolate! :)

Jenny and Jon said...

man she is CUTE!! I seriously think she and Jackson would made a good action packed team for trick or treat, lol, kindred spirits!!

Mimi and Papa said...

Happy Halloween. My Lucy is having a good time. xo