1st fun:
Getting a baby pool for our yard. And boy, did Lucy love it!
Although she would prefer to lead us around the yard to explore...
Her newest trick is to grab our finger and pull us where ever she wants to go!
"Hey, I kinda like this new pool!"
2nd fun:
Learning to say cheese and pose for the camera!
(Yes, this picture brings me to tears. Seriously, where did my baby go? Who is this toddler who understands posing for a camera?)
3rd fun:
Eating a really messy spaghetti dinner before bath time!
4th fun:
The Easton fountains!!!
Lucy likes to stay back a bit and watch the boys run through. She will fall over with belly laughs when she sees them run through and get all wet!
She likes to run around and look at her footprints...
Oh Summer, SLOW DOWN! We are having too much fun...
I'm so happy you posted a happy Lucy for me to enjoy. Sometimes the Monday blues get me down...I feel happy as a lark now! ;)
Hey, is that my mother's credit card purse...I need to shop. Such cute summer pictures ...and I remember how fast our summer vacation went so hang on to your shorts. and enjoy.
I love her floppy hat in that last photo, she is so cute!!!
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