Friday, June 10, 2011

16 Months Old!

What a fun age!
This little stinker NEVER stops moving. She likes to put on shoes (her own, Mommy's, or Daddy's), brush her hair with anything that resembles a brush, clap her hands, dance, read books, pull puzzle pieces out (hasn't quite mastered putting them back yet), and run, run, run, run, run! She also likes to carry A LOT of things. She is our little "HOARDER!"

Her newest joy is being chased! She thinks it is so funny and we will chase each other around our kitchen island for hours. Those belly laughs are such a beautiful sound :)

She also loves to close doors...
"Uh Mom, it won't close!"
She couldn't quite figure out how to get these folding laundry doors to shut.

She is beginning to pose for the camera. The only problem is she will say "cheeeeee" and smile right on the lens. Right on the lense, like mouth touching lense. This does not result in great pictures but is so funny.
If I am quick enough I can get a picture right before she leans in!

She is also signing ALL the time.
Mid-photoshoot she decided she was hungry and starting to sign "eat." So we had to stop for a snack break! She also signs "more," "baby," "drink," "bird," "hot," "kiss," "sleep," and more.

Speaking of eating....this is a new battle! She KNOWS what she wants and what she DOESN'T want. Now-a-days I'll pull something out of the fridge, hold it up so she can see, and she will either sign "more" or clap if she wants it, and shout NO and shake her head if she doesn't. I'll be honest and say the NO happens a lot more than the yes. She is one picky eater.

Guaranteed yes = bananas, oranges, blueberries, watermelon, crackers, raisins, spaghetti...
Maybe = pb and j, grilled cheese, cheese, strawberries, yogurt...
Guaranteed no = meat...

She also prefers to feed herself most days. We have started to let her use silverware......WHAT A MESS!?!? (I must control my OCD tendencies and let her learn...right?) Yesterday at lunch it was spaghettios. She loved using a spoon. She can successfully scoop it up but then she turns the spoon upside-down as she puts it in her mouth. You should have seen her bib!

Lastly, Lucy is obsessed with technology! She comes by this well. She can "use" a cell phone, remote control, iPad, and computer. HA!

I was drying my hair and looked into the bedroom to find Lucy on YouTube!

"Hmm....I wonder if The Wiggles are on here?"

"Lady Gaga? Not what I was looking for..."
No really, I selected The Wiggles for her and a Lady Gaga ad played first. Lucy looked at me like, "uhhhhh, what?"

Oh and obviously you noticed Lucy's new chucks...
I couldn't resist! I think I need a pair to match now. I went to get her a pair of Keen summer sandals(too $$$) and came home with these beauties!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Total stinkerbutt and I love it! I love seeing your blog become more active in the summer months! I also love your desk...where did you find that beauty?

Frances said...

Dee found it at a garage sale! We love it. I have plans to paint it a retro color but we'll see if I ever get around to it...ha

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

So cute! White...or black...or lime green...or light blue...oh my gosh it would be beautiful in any color, but even the wood is lovely! Great find! If she spent less than $50 I might start to drool. :)