Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the whole wide world!
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[Denny tried the jump up and down trick to try and get Lucy to smile. It worked but so did some "extra volume" in her hair! HAHA)

We had a quiet, relaxing Sunday. We started the day at Creekside Park in Gahanna. Lucy loves to explore!
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We also brought bread to feed the ducks...
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Lucy stayed back a distance at first.

Then she got brave and helped "feed" the ducks.
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She also snuck a few bites of bread in her own mouth... (She thought she was pretty funny.)

"Wait, this bread isn't for me to eat? It's for the ducks?!?"
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In minutes, the ducks were coming from everywhere!!!
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"Daddy, hold me! The ducks are coming..."
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Happy Father's Day, Daddy! We had fun with you today.
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Say a prayer for Miss Lucy. Her molars are coming in, full force, and causing her lots of pain. She hasn't been herself, very tired, irritable, and drooling. Her little gums were bleeding yesterday afternoon :( OUCH!

We hope she is back to her cheerful self soon, with a mouth full of teeth!
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1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cute little dress with tennies. Man, she's styling! Molars hurt...ouch!