Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lazy Summer Days!

I've enjoyed a few, slow-paced summer days with Lucy. We stay in our pj's until lunch and play, play, PLAY!

We start each morning with breakfast with Daddy before he leaves for work. A new game Lucy has discovered is peak-a-boo with her food (or toys). This morning she used her bib to hide her food and waits for me to find it.
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It is amazing how quickly she is learning new things right now. Her vocabulary and understanding develop every day! You will also notice her sippy with milk in it. She has begun to refuse or drink very little of her bottles before naps so we're trying to increase milk at meals. She much prefers water and makes an awful face when she realizes it is not water. If it is water, she'll chug it down!

Our mornings also include "shhhh" or shows. Lucy loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
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(I try to limit Lucy to just one show a day because I do not want her sitting in front of the tv. She loves the music and songs, but gets bored quickly with the rest. I take a moment to clean the kitchen, etc while she watches a few minutes of "shhhh.")

It is hard to say no when she runs into the family room, sits in HER chair, and says "shhhh, Mommy!"
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HAHAH! Stinker!

She loves to play with her music set. Her newest fun is to find things that make different noises when she drums on them. The camera lense cap was perfect for this!
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She found a toy train and quickly pushed it along the carpet and said "cho-chooo."
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This was a total shocker because I have never shown her this and it was like she just knew what to do with it!

Lucy's real obsession.....TECHNOLOGY! She loves to push all the buttons on Daddy's equipment.
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"Mommy always says "no" but I like to get a few pushes in before she notices..."

"Ok fine, if I can't push those buttons...what about the remote?"
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"I found the TV power button!!!!"
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"Now what will happen if I push this and the remote at the same time..."
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And I'll leave you with a few pictures I snapped this morning in our bedroom. Lucy can climb just about anything and thought.....hmm why not climb this chair!
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(Another boo-boo on her knee. I'm sure you are not surprised by this.)

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This is when the photo shoot ended. Our brave one decided she wanted to try and stand up.


Saturday, June 25, 2011

What a Week!

Lucy and I had a little getaway to Perrysburg this week! We enjoyed staying at the Burrow's and lots and lots and lots of playtime.

Car rides!

iPad with Ellie!

Cell phone with Anneliese!

Bath time!

And Imagination Station!!! (Cosi)

Out to eat!

Checking out the Mud Hens stadium!
Lucy tried to break in... :)

We even were lucky enough to have dinner at Toledo Country Club with Gigi!
(We attempted a picture with all the babies and Gigi.....haha - yeah right!)

Julia and I ended the week with a SPA DATE together! It was so much fun and very relaxing!
The weekend ended with a Sushi lunch. Julia and Craig, thanks for being great hosts this week. Lucy and I had a blast and loved playing in your beautiful new home. We can't wait to see everyone again soon for the 4th!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

16 Months Old!

Lucy loves her Daddy! from Momma Ehrm. on Vimeo.

Reminder: password is "Lucy"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the whole wide world!
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[Denny tried the jump up and down trick to try and get Lucy to smile. It worked but so did some "extra volume" in her hair! HAHA)

We had a quiet, relaxing Sunday. We started the day at Creekside Park in Gahanna. Lucy loves to explore!
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We also brought bread to feed the ducks...
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Lucy stayed back a distance at first.

Then she got brave and helped "feed" the ducks.
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She also snuck a few bites of bread in her own mouth... (She thought she was pretty funny.)

"Wait, this bread isn't for me to eat? It's for the ducks?!?"
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In minutes, the ducks were coming from everywhere!!!
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"Daddy, hold me! The ducks are coming..."
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Happy Father's Day, Daddy! We had fun with you today.
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Say a prayer for Miss Lucy. Her molars are coming in, full force, and causing her lots of pain. She hasn't been herself, very tired, irritable, and drooling. Her little gums were bleeding yesterday afternoon :( OUCH!

We hope she is back to her cheerful self soon, with a mouth full of teeth!
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Friday, June 17, 2011


This is what happens after a week of fun with Mommy!


Lucy passed out in seconds for her afternoon nap. She couldn't even keep her booper in :) She was a wild girl and had a blast at the fountains and lunch and was ready for her nap...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Granville Art Affair!

Last weekend was the Granville Art & Wine Affair! We went on Sunday to the Art Festival and had a blast. The weather was unbelieveable - sunny, 75, and blue skies!

Lucy loved running around with her red ballon.
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"Come on, Mom...Let's go!"
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She prefers to lead us where SHE wants to go...
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My two favorite people!
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Loving Every Minute of this Summer!!!

I know how fast summer's normally go by and I know, unfortuantely, it will go even faster this we are taking every minute to enjoy time together!

1st fun:
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Getting a baby pool for our yard. And boy, did Lucy love it!

Although she would prefer to lead us around the yard to explore...
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Her newest trick is to grab our finger and pull us where ever she wants to go!
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"Hey, I kinda like this new pool!"
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2nd fun:
Learning to say cheese and pose for the camera!
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(Yes, this picture brings me to tears. Seriously, where did my baby go? Who is this toddler who understands posing for a camera?)

3rd fun:
Eating a really messy spaghetti dinner before bath time!
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4th fun:
The Easton fountains!!!
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Lucy likes to stay back a bit and watch the boys run through. She will fall over with belly laughs when she sees them run through and get all wet!

She likes to run around and look at her footprints...
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Oh Summer, SLOW DOWN! We are having too much fun...
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