Sunday, August 16, 2009

Doctor's appointment update!

Today @ 10:15 I had my 15 week appointment with Dr.Atwood! It went really well and I got to hear the little heart beating. As the doctor held the doppler, listening to the heartbeat, we heard a few louder swooshing sounds. She smiled and said "The baby is kicking at me! Do you feel it?" And sure enough, I could FEEL IT! I felt the baby for the first time today! What an amazing feeling!

My next appointment is September 23rd and it is the BIG ULTRASOUND!!!

p.s. The baby is the size of an APPLE this week! Just in time for me to go back to school...hahaha :) First day is August 24th!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Let the kicking games begin. Your baby is going to kick up a storm with the soccer genes in BOTH parents! :) Love you baby Ehrmin!

Jenny and Jon said...

where are those belly shots...I hope you are at least taking them for yourself, you will be amazed when you look back!