Sunday, August 23, 2009

Busy week for teachers...

First, let's start with the most exciting news! I am 4 months into the pregnancy and feeling great! The baby is the size of an avocado and can move its arms and legs. I am hoping I will begin to feel the baby move on a regular basis! I am still not showing much of a baby bump and can still wear my regular pants/shorts/skirts to work. I am sure this won't last long!

Monday is the first day of school for students in Granville! I have 23 students in my class this year. 13 girls and 10 boys. 5 of the students have special needs and have Individualized Education Plans. 4 of the students have been identified "gifted." I think it is going to be a great year! Friday night was Open House and I had the opportunity to meet 21 of my students and their families. By "families" I mean they bring grandma, grandpa, all 5 siblings (in strollers), mom, dad, step-dad, step-mom, cousins, etc, etc! This makes for a very crowded classroom!

I'll never forgot the one little girl who ran into my room, right towards me, embraced me in a hug and said "I wanted you to me my teacher so bad!" Hahahah....I think her Mom, Dad, and 4 siblings were a little shocked by her excitement!

I am excited, anxious, nervous, and eager to get back into the swing of things at school. It is wonderful to be DONE with my masters so I can devote myself to just teaching and not going to school myself. Today Denny and I are heading into Granville for a few hours so I can finish getting ready for Monday.

I'll be sure to update you all on the first day of school sometime this week! (Maybe I'll even take my camera so I can capture all the cute smiling faces for you all to see :) )


Mimi and Papa said...

Reading this blog today brought a rush of always helped me set up my room - even before going to college. I am so PROUD of you and your devotion to your students. You can make a difference in their little lives and you know it. I love our little avocado...mimi

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Hey there Mrs. Ehrmin! I hope the first day went swimmingly! Can't wait to read about it. :)