Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day + ER Visit

We spent Christmas day with the Ehrmin's this year.  Lucy and Eddie were beyond blessed with wonderful gifts and time with family.
These were the only pictures I have from Christmas day because I had a sick boy in my arms most of the day!

Around 4:00pm, I had that "mommy instinct" that Eddie's "cold" was more than that.  Finally, by the evening, I suggested we take him to urgent care.  He was not acting himself and had a fever for days.  Urgent Care was closed on Christmas so that's how we arrived at Mercy's new ER in Perrysburg....

An hour + later, we had a diagonsis of the FLU :( and a prescription from Tamiflu with no pharmacy to open on Christmas night to fill it.  We decided to head back to Granville that evening so we could all sleep in our own beds and get the medication at our pharmacy in the morning.  PHEW!  I hope next Christmas is less eventful.  Poor Eddie! :(

We all enjoyed being home the next day and Lucy and Eddie loved playing with all their new toys from Santa!

1 comment:

Jenny and Jon said...

UGH, this has been such a bad year for flu, double ugh! I am so sorry that it hit you all for Christmas. We were one month behind you, somehow our kids did not get it but Jon did and It took him down for a week and ended in pneumonia, stay well!!