Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easter at Belmont Country Club with Papa and Mimi!

We had a great Easter morning at Papa and Mimi's house!  First we attended Mass and then back for some gifts.  The Burrows we were with us to celebrate all day!


Lucy loves her cousin, Mary-Claire A LOT!

Mimi surprised the girls with beautiful, handmade fairy gardens!

I love my Eddie boy.... too much for words.

It was a gorgeous, sunny spring day!

Then we were off to Belmont Country Club for a GIANT Egg Hunt and a great brunch!  What a fun day!

Daddy, want to share this jelly bean?!?

When did she turn 10?!?

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful children! My girls were in the tub last night and said, "can we make Mary-Claire's hair look like Eddies?" Then they proceeded to stand her hair up in little curls. They just adore your Lucy and Eddie.