Monday, December 23, 2013

Annual Cookie Decorating

Every year, Julia, Mimi, and I decorate sugar cookies late into the night the week before Christmas.  It is a tradition I wouldn't miss for the world.

I usually bake before traveling to Pburg so I can bring some baked cutout cookies. We've found the perfect recipe for this.

We've gotten better over the years and our cookies are beauuuuutiful!
This year we did snowflakes and ornaments.
(I bought a huge kit of Christmas cookie cutters at Target this year.  Next year, watch out!!!)

Cookie for 2013!

The constant laughs, glasses of wine, and girl talk might be may favorite part ;)

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Such an awesome tradition. And I agree, the laughs and late-night chats are the best part!