Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Dinner

The family time in Perrysburg is never ending.  We were lucky enough to spend Christmas evening at Mimi and Papa's for a wonderful dinner.

We are blessed to have another Christmas with our dear, Gigi!

What a beautiful dining room...

The girls ran around and, as always, had a blast together.

Eddie captures the attention of everyone in the room.
Check out that big belly, and mischievous smile..."Yes, I am standing on a chair and stealing someone's food!"

Thank you for the wonderful dinner.  And thanks for hosting us for the Christmas break.  Lucy and Eddie are lucky to have the best Mimi and Papa in the WORLD!

Christmas Day with The Ehrmins

What a special Christmas Day with the whole Ehrmin clan!  This day is all about the children now.  It is so special again to watch them in delight as they enjoy this day.

Lucy, Eddie, Grace, and Ethan are lucky to have each other.  What a fun morning they had together!

Our little "bookworm" loves books right now.  He will find a book and then plop into anyones lap to read together.

Nail polish, coloring books, paint, new scooters...what great gifts!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful gifts.  Thanks for hosting us for another great Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Traditions

Christmas Eve 2013

The traditions that surround the Christmas holiday are what make it all so special.  Spending Eve with Mimi and Papa and traveling to Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony's is something that just "feels" like Christmas to me.

We decided this year to gather at Mimi and Papa's for some pictures and gifts early in the afternoon.  The girls dressed alike!
They really enjoy each other and giggle every moment they are together.

We squeezed in a quick haircut that morning for our curly-haired baby!
And Eddie was quite the ham himself, in his little red tie!

He loved on Mary-Claire a lot!  Kisses and hugs galore...

Lu and Eddie loved visiting with baby, Mary-Claire!

Spending the day with the best grandparents is pretty special for the grandchildren.  Mimi and Papa have their hands FULL (literally)!

What a group!  They love their Mi and Pa!

Daddy and Eddie ready for the fun...

What a great Christmas Eve!

I'll end with a Christmas Eve #selfie with the girls.  HAHA!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Annual Cookie Decorating

Every year, Julia, Mimi, and I decorate sugar cookies late into the night the week before Christmas.  It is a tradition I wouldn't miss for the world.

I usually bake before traveling to Pburg so I can bring some baked cutout cookies. We've found the perfect recipe for this.

We've gotten better over the years and our cookies are beauuuuutiful!
This year we did snowflakes and ornaments.
(I bought a huge kit of Christmas cookie cutters at Target this year.  Next year, watch out!!!)

Cookie for 2013!

The constant laughs, glasses of wine, and girl talk might be may favorite part ;)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Bike rides on Christmas Day - what?

It was unseasonably warm on December 22 so we took a bike ride to enjoy the sunshine!  Lucy is getting good, really good, on her little bike.  Denny and I can barely keep up with her, even running.

(I think this spring we will have a little one learning to ride her bike without training wheels...)

The Christmas decorations around our neighborhood were out despite the 60 degrees day!

Trying to get Eddie to smile for the camera....

What a ham!

Merry Christmas!