Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lucy Josephine Check Up!

Lucy had her 3-year-old well check with Dr. Kern!

She was all smiles in the waiting room, sitting on her Daddy's lap.

Due to her obsession with Doc McStuffin's she knew all about a "check up." And told us, "It won't hurt, just might tickle a little!" HAHAH

She is a healthy, growing 3 year old!
Weight - 29.5 lbs.
Height - 36.5 inches
Blood Pressure - 98/54

She loved getting her blood pressure taken and knew just what to do! Luckily, there weren't any shots because I'm sure she wouldn't have thought that was so great.

After their appointments we went to get Lucy a new gymnastic leotard.  She is loving gymnastics so much! She has class every Tuesday evening @ 6:00.

Lucy was also thrilled to have a Happy Meal in the front seat with Mommy, while Eddie napped.

Oh, Lucy!  We love you so much.  Your fun-spirit, energy and loving-soul brighten each day.  You make every day more fun.

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

She's a little diva in that leotard, love it! Make sure to get some video of her!