Thursday, February 28, 2013

Mommy turns 29!

We traveled to Perrysburg to celebrate my 29th with our families!

We had a great weekend visit.
The cousin always have so much fun together.

Mimi made me a delicious, fresh raspberry cake!

Eddie always enjoys the loving from his family.

"Check out my moves!"

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Baby Boy

You are the most precious baby boy in the whole world.

You melt my heart each and every minute with your sweet, chubby face!
When I look into your big brown eyes, I see something familiar.  It is hard to explain, but it is like I know you are mine!  My brown-eyed boy.

And, to top it know you are cute! You will stop people in the store with your big smile.

Monday, February 18, 2013

9 Months!

Eddie boy at 9 months!
9 months

He is loving life and loving his new found freedom...

Eddie can get just about anywhere by dragging, army crawling himself across the floor.  He is starting to pick up his belly occasionally, but when he really wants to get somewhere fast he does a good ol' army crawl! He loves opening and closing doors.

New this month, he is also starting to pull himself up on furniture to stand up.  He is always so proud of himself and looks around the room with a big smile on his face.

He continues to be a wonderful sleeper.(Can I get an AMEN?!)  A 1 hour AM nap and a 2-3 hour PM nap plus 12 hours of sleep at night.  Let's be honest...he is an amazing, good baby!

Food is a favorite for Eddie.  He LOVES all finger foods and is starting to turn his nose up to baby food.  He still loves yoBaby yogurt.  Current favorites include; lunchmeat, cheese, toast with butter, waffles, pancakes, and anything Lucy sneaks him.  (I caught her once giving him a chocolate candy!)

Lucy and Eddie love each other so much!  She can't keep her hands off of him when he is crawling around.  She calls him "my little bubba." And is so proud of his new found skills.

Weight - 19 lbs. 8 oz.
Length - 28.5 inches

*This picture was taken after a healthy 9 month check up with Dr. Kern!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lucy Josephine Check Up!

Lucy had her 3-year-old well check with Dr. Kern!

She was all smiles in the waiting room, sitting on her Daddy's lap.

Due to her obsession with Doc McStuffin's she knew all about a "check up." And told us, "It won't hurt, just might tickle a little!" HAHAH

She is a healthy, growing 3 year old!
Weight - 29.5 lbs.
Height - 36.5 inches
Blood Pressure - 98/54

She loved getting her blood pressure taken and knew just what to do! Luckily, there weren't any shots because I'm sure she wouldn't have thought that was so great.

After their appointments we went to get Lucy a new gymnastic leotard.  She is loving gymnastics so much! She has class every Tuesday evening @ 6:00.

Lucy was also thrilled to have a Happy Meal in the front seat with Mommy, while Eddie napped.

Oh, Lucy!  We love you so much.  Your fun-spirit, energy and loving-soul brighten each day.  You make every day more fun.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Ehrmin Company's Biggest Fans

Lucy and Eddie are The Ehrmin Company's biggest fans.
ehrmin company-2

They love their matching sweatshirts to support The Ehrmin Co!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Birthday fun conitnues...

Lucy got a big girl bike and big girl bed for her 3rd birthday!

Beba and Dee Dee got her the princess bike!

It was a mild winter day so we went for a little ride with Gracie!

Oh yeah....Lucy also got Lucky Charms for her birthday.  As you can see, this was all she needed!
HA! I guess the granola and plain Cheerios she eats every day aren't too exciting.

Eddie and Ethan enjoyed playing too!

Mimi and Papa got her a big girl bed. (Pictures to come...) She did wonderful with the transition and never looked back.  She slept in the bed the first night, napped in it the first day, and other than wanting Mommy and Daddy to "sleep with me" she has adjusted beautifully.  She is proud of her bed and likes to read books and play in it during the day too!

We ended the birthday weekend making Lucy's first LEGO project together.  She loved every minute and I foresee lots of Legos in her future.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lucy's Birthday Party WEEKEND

The Burrow family, Mimi and Papa, the Warren family, Beba and Dee Dee and the whole Ehrmin clan joined Lucy at CoCo Key Waterpark for her 23rd birthday party!

It was jammed packed but the children had a BLAST!

Lucy enjoyed the slide like a 6 or 7 year old should!  The birthday girl had the slide and steps mastered in minutes and couldn't get enough.


We then had dinner and cake at the lodge restaurant.

Lucy enjoyed dances with her Papa at dinner.

The girls LOVED the princess cake and helped Lucy blow out the candles!

Happy Birthday Lucy!  We love you so much.

A big THANKS to everyone that traveled to Granville for the weekend to celebrate with Lu!