Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Brother & Sister Love!

This is what our bed looks like 99% of the time in the morning.  Eddie is normally nursing(a.k.a. Mom trying to get more sleep) and then when Lucy wakes up she joins us in bed!  Eddie wakes up around 6:00-7:00 to nurse and normally falls back to sleep with me.  Lucy normally wakes up 7:30-8:30 and joins us in bed.

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Lucy either watches "my iPad" or shows on our TV.

Cuddle time!
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"He needs his booper!"
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We love our Lucy and Eddie!
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Loving on her brother
Dawes and E-L pictures_120623_0047


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful! Eddie had our dark Tinney eyes I think!

Jenny and Jon said...

I was gonna say the same thing about the eyes...Jack has those funny just like you, I have one with DARK almost black brown eyes and then a blue eyed little pixie girl!! Crazy how genetics works.

On another note, I have sweet pictures like that from last summer sweet. That was when Jon said we need a king sized bed!