Sunday, June 3, 2012

3 Weeks!

Happy 3 Weeks to Eddie!
3 weeks

You are getting so big already.  You are more and more alert every day!
3 weeks old_120524_0065
3 weeks old_120524_0068
You are beginning to make eye contact with us and follow objects closely.  When you hear my voice you will turn your head and try to find me.  It is so cute!

You have the softest, fine hair on top of your head.  And you love when I rub your head.  You will close your eyes and almost fall asleep every time I do it.
3 weeks old_120524_0070

You are the sweetest little 3 week old and I love you so much!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

We enjoyed having you here this weekend!