Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Brother & Sister Love!

This is what our bed looks like 99% of the time in the morning.  Eddie is normally nursing(a.k.a. Mom trying to get more sleep) and then when Lucy wakes up she joins us in bed!  Eddie wakes up around 6:00-7:00 to nurse and normally falls back to sleep with me.  Lucy normally wakes up 7:30-8:30 and joins us in bed.

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Lucy either watches "my iPad" or shows on our TV.

Cuddle time!
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"He needs his booper!"
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We love our Lucy and Eddie!
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Loving on her brother
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Monday, June 25, 2012

7 Weeks!

It is hard to believe I am writing Eddie's 7 week post.  Time sure does fly when you have 2 kids!
7 weeks

Eddie is doing great and continues to be an "easy baby!"  Lucy also continues to do great with him and seems to love Eddie more and more each day.  She mostly gentle with him and adores to give him kisses.  (I say mostly because we had a little incident last week when a WHOLE BUCKET of cold water was dumped on him while he was nursing...AHHHHHH!)

Eddie loves his sister and now will lift his head to find her.  He almost rolled over on the bed this weekend, trying to follow her little voice! :)
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He is moving, kicking, and cooing A LOT lately!
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And those smiles are wonderful!
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***Eddie also recently has his BEST NIGHT of sleep thus far.  He nursed at 9:30pm and then Denny put him in his crib around 10:00.  He did not wake until 3:30am when he had wiggled his way out of his swaddle to nurse again.  Then back to the crib and he woke up around 6:30 to nurse again.  Then he joined us in our bed and slept until 8:00am!!!  What a boy!!! We are working on consistently doing the first portion of the night in his crib and he is doing wonderfully.  He is such a happy baby boy!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6 Weeks Old

Our little prince is already 6 weeks old.
6 weeks

We are enjoying the beautiful summer evenings!  Eddie and Lucy love to be outside.
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(excuse my messy hair please!)

Someone loves their Daddy!
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And someone loves their bubbles...and isn't happy when Daddy says it is time to go inside!
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Oh Lucy!  Tears, snot, and all...we love you!

Monday, June 18, 2012

5 Weeks Old

Our little Eddie man is 5 weeks old!
5 weeks
Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120611_0043
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Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120611_0041

We love you Edward.
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Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120611_0052

He is such a great addition to our family.  His sister loves taking care of him!
Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120611_0063

As seen here, "Mommy look - I cleaning him!"
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Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120611_0056

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(Please take note of the Minnie Mouse dress, Dora The Explorer backpack, and book in hand.  She is so busy. Yes, she is 2, on-the-go, and 100% girl! HA)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

2 Weeks Old!

I just came across these pictures of Eddie from when he was just 2 weeks old!
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It is shocking how much he has grown!
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We love you Edward!

Bath Time!

Eddie LOVES bath time!  When Lucy was a newborn we normally did bath time in the evenings, before bed, but it is easier now for Eddie to get his bath in the afternoon while Lucy is napping.
Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120607_0005

He loves the warm water, kicking his legs, and staring at his Mommy!
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Can you spot Miss Lucy in the background?
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Happy Bath Time to Eddie!
Mimi Retirement Eddie 5 weeks_120607_0002

Monday, June 11, 2012

1 month!

Edward Dennis Ehrmin is 1 month old!
4 weeks

He is such a wonderful baby!  He continues to be very calm and easy to please.  He rarely fusses at all, and if he does it is to eat or sleep.  He soothes easily and loves to be swaddled.  At night, we swaddled him, after this bath, and he calms quickly.

Eddie loves his big sister so much.  He is always trying to find her when she is in the same room.  Lucy also loves him so much and continues to refer to him as her "baby brother."  She even told him this week that "he isn't Eddie, he'd Baby Brother!" HA!
4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120603_0041
4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120603_0053

At Eddie's 1 month check-up he proved to be a GROWING BOY!
Weight = 9 lbs
Length = 21 1/2 inches

What a big boy!  Happy 1 month!
4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120603_0042

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to our Mimi!

Happy Birthday to the best Mimi in the WORLD!

We love you so much!  All the siblings, and Papa, went in on a big surprise for Mimi.  A new outdoor patio set for the courtyard...
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4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120602_0015
4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120602_0016
4 weeks and Mimi Bday_120602_0020

Mimi was very surprised!
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And I think she loves it!
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Eddie loves it too!  HA!
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Happy Birthday, Mom!  I love you so much.