It is hard to believe I am writing Eddie's 7 week post. Time sure does fly when you have 2 kids!
Eddie is doing great and continues to be an "easy baby!" Lucy also continues to do great with him and seems to love Eddie more and more each day. She mostly gentle with him and adores to give him kisses. (I say mostly because we had a little incident last week when a WHOLE BUCKET of cold water was dumped on him while he was nursing...AHHHHHH!)
Eddie loves his sister and now will lift his head to find her. He almost rolled over on the bed this weekend, trying to follow her little voice! :)
He is moving, kicking, and cooing A LOT lately!
And those smiles are wonderful!
***Eddie also recently has his BEST NIGHT of sleep thus far. He nursed at 9:30pm and then Denny put him in his crib around 10:00. He did not wake until 3:30am when he had wiggled his way out of his swaddle to nurse again. Then back to the crib and he woke up around 6:30 to nurse again. Then he joined us in our bed and slept until 8:00am!!! What a boy!!! We are working on consistently doing the first portion of the night in his crib and he is doing wonderfully. He is such a happy baby boy!