Monday, February 20, 2012


Lucy got an easel and paint set from Stacy, Kevin, and Gracie for Christmas! We have not setup the easel yet(we were thinking to wait until the baby is here) but we got out the paints this weekend. Needless to say, it was a HOT MESS! I think we may be waiting a little longer to setup the permeant easel. Or maybe set it up with markers and crayons only.

Lucy LOVED the paint but her Mom and Dad were feeling a little OCD as it began to cover her face, hands, arms, hair, the highchair, the counter, and kitchen cabinets! HA!
Megan paints with Lucy a lot and they often do handprint projects for me. So Lucy instantly painted her hand, put it down on the paper, and counted 1,2,3! It was so cute.

"Hey, Mom and Dad relax! Megan let's me paint at her house every week! What's wrong?"

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Girl, you've got this manual thing down pat. Beautiful pictures, love you Lucy girl!