Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lucy Graduates "Daddy and Me" Swimming Lessons

This Saturday, February 18th, was Lucy's last swimming lesson.  She is officially a graduate of "Daddy and Me" swimming lessons! HA!  She loved playing in the pool with Daddy and always looked forward to her Saturday morning time in the "pool with Daddy!"

Daddy and Lucy waiting for the class to being.
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Then it's swimming time!
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You can see Lucy pointing to her toes in this picture.  She really got the hang of the songs and their movements.  It was just precious!

One last time with the orange pool toys!
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Bye Bye, Gahanna Pool! Lucy sure had fun with her winter swimming lessons.
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Mimi and Papa said...

Nice update on your blog.... next are we doing ballet or gymnastics?

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Again, beautiful photography Mommy! I love the fifth picture the water is reflecting light into your camera and the natural smile from Denny. Please frame. :)