Monday, February 20, 2012


Lucy got an easel and paint set from Stacy, Kevin, and Gracie for Christmas! We have not setup the easel yet(we were thinking to wait until the baby is here) but we got out the paints this weekend. Needless to say, it was a HOT MESS! I think we may be waiting a little longer to setup the permeant easel. Or maybe set it up with markers and crayons only.

Lucy LOVED the paint but her Mom and Dad were feeling a little OCD as it began to cover her face, hands, arms, hair, the highchair, the counter, and kitchen cabinets! HA!
Megan paints with Lucy a lot and they often do handprint projects for me. So Lucy instantly painted her hand, put it down on the paper, and counted 1,2,3! It was so cute.

"Hey, Mom and Dad relax! Megan let's me paint at her house every week! What's wrong?"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lucy Graduates "Daddy and Me" Swimming Lessons

This Saturday, February 18th, was Lucy's last swimming lesson.  She is officially a graduate of "Daddy and Me" swimming lessons! HA!  She loved playing in the pool with Daddy and always looked forward to her Saturday morning time in the "pool with Daddy!"

Daddy and Lucy waiting for the class to being.
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Then it's swimming time!
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You can see Lucy pointing to her toes in this picture.  She really got the hang of the songs and their movements.  It was just precious!

One last time with the orange pool toys!
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Bye Bye, Gahanna Pool! Lucy sure had fun with her winter swimming lessons.
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2 Year Old Check up!

Lucy had her well-check up this weekend. She did just fine until Dr. Kern walked in the room. Ha!  She knew just who he was and wasn't happy about it! She did pull it together and managed to survive 1 shot. Ugh!

Stats for Lucy at 2 years:
Weight - 26 pounds. (45%)
Height - 32 1/2 inches (22%)
Head - 19 inches

I checked our Baby Books to compare!
Frances @ 2 1/2 = 27 pounds
Denny @ 2 1/2 = 35 pounds
(we both had info for 2 1/2 not 2)

Friday, February 17, 2012

7 Months!

Photo on 2-17-12 at 1.15 PM #2

Here is baby @ 7 Months.  He weighs around 2 pounds and is almost 15 inches long.  I can feel him move ALL DAY long and even at night.  He actively moves, especially when we're going to bed, so Denny has been able to feel him kick a lot!

We are so excited to meet you!  We love you already Baby Boy!  Lucy likes to talk about "Baby Brudder" and push around her "Baby Brudder" in her own stroller.  She also can't wait to meet you.

Keep growing, in just a few short months we will get to love and kiss you!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Lucy enjoys swimming lessons every Saturday morning with her Daddy! (Mommy doesn't have a swimsuit she currently fits into - ha!) The class takes place at the local YMCA with children 6 months - 3 years old.

Daddy and Lucy wait patiently for the class to begin...
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Did you know that puckering your lips helps you kick faster?!? HA!

The class begins with songs, singing, and getting use to the water.  Then they move onto jumping, throwing swim toys, and paddling to get them.
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I'm sure you aren't surprised to see that Lucy favorite part of each class is the throwing the ORANGE fish and jumping in after it!

"Dad, can I go up this slide?"
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Lucy loves her swimming classes. It is a great way to have fun when it is 15 degrees and snowing outside!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lucy!

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Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

We had a wonderful birthday party for Lucy this past weekend. She was thrilled to have her family come to her "Mitti Mouse Bertday Partee!"  She played, danced, flirted, sang, and enjoyed everyone.

Loving her aunties
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Loving Canon and Lala
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Uncle Craig and chocolate!
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Daddy and Beba
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Papa and Mimi
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Grandma DeeDee
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Uncle Tim and a short break with the iPad
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And most of all.....COUSINS!
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Lucy loves Ellie, Anneliese, and Grace so much.

I had a blast baking for her special party!  This year I made Minnie cookies, Minnie cupcakes, Rice Krispie bites, and Minnie Rice Kripies.
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Again this year, Lucy wasn't so sure about the birthday cake stuff.  She was timid and shy as the cupcake and candle approached...
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But with Mommy's help, we blew out our candle this year!

The cousins all loved the desserts.
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(I wish I would have gotten a picture of Gracie with her was everywhere and she LOVED it!)

Lucy, Happy Birthday!  Mommy and Daddy love you so much and can't wait for the fun this year will bring us.
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday, Lucy Josephine!

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Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday, dear Lucy, Happy Birthday to you!

We had a wonderful weekend full of celebration and we continue today, on your real birthday.  Wow, it is hard to believe you are already two.  We love you so much and can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with you.