Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Lucy has had a great Halloween week! It seems like the events keep going this year. It is hard to believe Halloween day is actually tomorrow.

Thursday evening we were invited to a pre-Trick-or-Treating dinner party in Granville. Then we ventured out to take Lucy on her first Trick-or-Treating adventures.

With the "chicken" in the lead, we left the party and headed to the closest neighborhood.
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We were glad to have this warm chicken costume because it was only 47 out! BRR!

Lucy happily walked up the long drive, carrying her glow necklace.
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We paused for some curb-sitting and curb-jumping!
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Yes, she could have done this all night! It's the small things in life. She is our little dare-devil.

We had costume on top and randomness below. Putting a costume on a toddler is quite the task.
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She was a chicken with her own style! HA!

Lucy lead me right up to the first house like she knew what she was doing...
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Then she looked into the bowl of candy and couldn't believe her eyes!
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And all she wanted to do was "eat chocolate."
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We made it to a total of 5 houses before we had pockets full of candy, a tired toddler, and a full sugar buzz going. We ended the Trick-or-Treating with one last candy bar before heading home.
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Happy Halloween! "I LOVE THIS HOLIDAY!"
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Lucy has entered a "shoe obsession" phase. All she wants to do is try on shoes. It doesn't matter if they are her own, Mommy's, Daddy's, or...

Aubrey's boots!
This cutie greeted me last week after school. She was SO PROUD to be walking around in Aubrey's cute boots.

She also greeted Trevor when he got off the bus...
She thinks he walks on water :)

Here's our little toddler modeling for Megan on the front porch.

"Hey, look! I see kids playing football across the street!"

Oh Lucy! We love you and your new obsession with shoes.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Quick Catch-Up!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. We've been very busy around here. Lucy is doing great and has had a good start to the school year with Megan. My class is GREAT this year and it makes going to work each day a joy! Denny's work is going well, busy, but good!

I'm going to attempt to do a catch-up through photos. I found these photos on my small camera this evening and thought they'd do a nice job sharing our recent adventures!

#1. Buckeye Season! Despite the team this year(ouch!) we've been decked out in our scarlet and grey lately.
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#2. Denny got to go to a game with a friend and had amazing seats...
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#3. Denny and I also got to go to a game together this year. We had top row seats, not kidding, TOP ROW! But the weather was beautiful and we really enjoyed the day together.

View from our seats...haha

#4. Pony-tail girl!
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We officially have a mullet-baby, oops, I mean a pony-tail baby!
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She looks so big now-a-days. It breaks my heart a bit!
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#5. Ehrmin's visit
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These pictures are long over-due but we enjoyed a visit from the Ehrmin's last month...
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"Cookies?" Grandma finding cookies for Lucy while we stood in the rain at Dawes.
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Lucy is quite the lucky girl with cousins just her age on both sides of her family.

#6. Baby Amelia! Our friends, Brett and Kim's new baby girl!
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#7. New video monitor!
We have grown to LOVE this new monitor and for good reason. Our dare-devil has crawled out of her crib twice so far.(That's a whole other post...) So the peace and mind of using this monitor to see her safe in the crib is worth a million dollars!

Here you see her on the left side sitting up.

Here is she laying down with her feet towards the left.

That's all! Thanks to our little point-and-shoot camera for helping me recap our busy lives!