Monday, April 18, 2011


If you use FLICKR, do not chance the privacy settings on your photos! It will change all the photo's URLS and they will no longer appear on your blog. Hang tight while I correct ALL the photos in ALL my posts January 2011 - current. Luckily, I used Photobucket in 2010 so I didn't lose all my photos...



Mimi and Papa said...

I hope you are successful with this photo situation. It makes me angry that you have to "privatize" to avoid people taking your pictures. Ask around as somebody may know how to fix this issue. Can't wait for new posts.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

It's just not right. Frances, in all of your spare time, can you share the birthday pictures? Thank you!

Jenny and Jon said...

oh man.....I just save mine to my computer and back them up with our back up hard drive.......then I upload to the blog. The ones I order I put on snapfish and I've never had a problem. Good luck with this, I don't even know how to use flickr and I guess that is a good thing!!