Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The last weeks of the school year are always a busy time as a teacher. In addition to work stress, traveling to Perrysburg two weekends in a row can create for hectic work weeks. Things have finally started to return to normal and I realized I haven't share photos from our past few weeks.

I'll let the photos tell the story.

April 16-17 weekend was Anneliese's 1st Birthday...
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...and Megan's Wedding Shower!
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And always a little time for Papa Lovin'!
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Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love this scattering of beautiful pictures! I also love that I got to be a part of each of these special events.... :)

Jenny and Jon said...

So much going on.........hope you have a quiet and relaxing weekend at HOME this weekend:)