Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The last weeks of the school year are always a busy time as a teacher. In addition to work stress, traveling to Perrysburg two weekends in a row can create for hectic work weeks. Things have finally started to return to normal and I realized I haven't share photos from our past few weeks.

I'll let the photos tell the story.

April 16-17 weekend was Anneliese's 1st Birthday...
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...and Megan's Wedding Shower!
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And always a little time for Papa Lovin'!
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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lucy with her best friend, Aubrey!

I love it when Megan, Lucy's babysitter, shares pictures with me. It is such a nice treat during the work day!
Lucy and bear

Lucy ADORES Megan's 3-year-old daughter, Aubrey! She plays with her all day, follows her around, and giggles at everything she does!
Lucy and Aubrey porch

They are best buds!
Lucy and Aubrey
We are so blessed to have Megan and Aubrey in our lives.

We are really looking forward to the long, relaxing Easter weekend. We hope to find time to do some laundry, clean the house, spend time with family, and enjoy the special holiday with Lucy!

Monday, April 18, 2011


If you use FLICKR, do not chance the privacy settings on your photos! It will change all the photo's URLS and they will no longer appear on your blog. Hang tight while I correct ALL the photos in ALL my posts January 2011 - current. Luckily, I used Photobucket in 2010 so I didn't lose all my photos...


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Better Late Than....


I just uploaded some video onto our computer and discovered Lucy's 1st Birthday Party. Oops!

Here is a little video of Lucy's Birthday Cake Drama! ENJOY :)

Birthday Cake from Momma Ehrm. on Vimeo.

Password is "Lucy"

Monday, April 11, 2011

14 Months Old!

Our baby (wait do I have to call you a toddler now?) turned 14 months old!
14 months old_110410_0079

She thought she was pretty sweet sitting in the glider all by herself.
14 months old_110410_0084

She is the happiest, silly little girl. What do we love about her right now? Well, just about everything that makes her just who she is.....she loves to laugh with us, which we appreciate because there was a time that she would burst into tears whenever someone laughed around her! She likes to get our attention and make us laugh. She can mimic sounds, actions, and gestures. She likes to dance to "good" music (anything that has a fast-paced beat.) She loves The Signing Time theme song. She likes to read books to herself. Can only sit still for 10 seconds of a book being read to her. Likes to throw her sippy cup on the ground when she's done. And thinks shaking her head "no" is pretty funny and knows exactly what it means. She is a picky eater, but if she likes something she will sign "more" the entire time she is eating. New favorites include hummus and oranges. She loves to run and loves it even more if you chase her! And the stairs? They are pretty fun because Mom and Dad always follow her when she tries to climb them.

Lucy just had her first adventure at the playground!

"Wow, what is this place?"
14 months old_110409_0042

"I wonder if I can walk in this mulch?"
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"Here I GO!"
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"Run, run, run!"
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We took a break from running to try about the baby swing...
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Lucy thought it was a little TOO high up and wanted down immediately.
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But then Daddy offered to take her down the slide....she thought this was pretty cool!
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Before she went down, she had to look around to see if Grandpa and Mommy were watching her!
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We had so much fun taking Lucy to the playground. As you can see, someone loves her GRANDPA!
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Happy 14 Months, Lucy Josephine!
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(And check out that chin....starting to look more like her Mommy?)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coming Soon...

Someone turned 14 months old this week!
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"Uh, Mom? The post isn't ready yet?"
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...coming soon!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nashville Part 2

After breakfast and Lucy's morning nap, we were off to Arrington Vineyard. We did a wine tasting and then had a picnic lunch. And Lucy loved herself some HUMMUS! It was so funny. She just couldn't get enough. Bobby, Katie's boyfriend, asked can she say "more?" We quickly responded "no" but explained that she does sign for more. That very second she reached for the hummus and said "MO!" "MO!" HAHA! We all laughed and Lucy smiled with a mouth full of hummus :)


Lucy fell in love with Bobby in seconds. She still prefers men.......uh-oh!

Bobby was great with Lucy and let her walk all over the vineyard. She enjoyed the freedom and the warm sunshine.

Oh yeah....a cold beer too!
(I'm only kidding!)

It was a beautiful, sunny day but very WINDY!

Check out that hair! Lucy loved the wind...

We tried to capture a quick family picture...

We had about 2 seconds to try this. Because Lucy decided she'd rather walk with Bobby than pose for a picture.
(Wonder who gets her way now-a-days?)

Then Lucy discovered the steps...
...and all her dreams came true!

Katie walked up and down the stairs with Lucy again and again and again!

"Wait a minute Katie, I thought we were climbing the stairs? Not posing for a picture?"

"NO PICTURES! Can't you see I'm busy here?"

We had a great day together.

We had a nice, quiet morning at the Marotta's while we packed to fly home.

Lucy had to say good-bye to her best friend, Jack-Jack!

Said good-bye to Katie. We miss her already and appreciate all the fun she showed us!

And good-bye to the Marotta family. They were the BEST hosts and welcomed us into their family with open arms.

Thank you to Katie and the Marotta's for everything. We had a great vacation and loved getting to visit with everyone! We hope to plan another visit soon when we can enjoy your beautiful pool!