Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thank you for your PATIENCE!

I know that the Halloween post is quite old but things have been very busy in our lives. We just returned from a wonderful trip to Austin, Texas. Lucy did just WONDERFUL on her first flights and vacation from home. She napped well, ate well, played well, and enjoyed seeing new things. We returned home at midnight Sunday night to find one of my worst weeks at work all year....parent/teacher conference week! It is now Wednesday night and I have only 3 conferences left (YAY!) and then I have Friday off! Denny has been picking up Lucy at school this week while I stay every night late to conference with parents. Luckily, I make it home just in time to nurse Lucy to sleep and cuddle her for awhile!

I've almost made it through this week.....So look for a great post and pictures about Austin soon :)

Here's Lucy who turned 9 months old the day of Leslie and Jason's wedding (November, 6 2010)


Mimi and Papa said...

Everday I change my desktop screen to a new and wonderful picture...but I am having trouble with quality from the actual blog picture...tell me if I can get pictures another makes me smile all day long. Thanks and can't wait to see the pictures. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

If that picture is any indication of the blog coming up...I'll be VERY patient! (Hey Mom, let's get you on our photobucket can get the picture in full quality!)