Sunday, November 21, 2010

9 months old!

Yes, this post is a little late. But I figure better late than never! We were on vacation in Texas when Lucy turned 9 months.

But we didn't miss our chance to take Lucy's crib photos!

Once again, this is easier said than done!

Notice, one shoe on and one shoe off...oh well!

I vividly remember thinking about this back in June when we were booking our trip...
"Lucy will turn 9 months old when we are in Austin!"
"I wonder if she will be crawling by then?"
"I wonder if she will be eating baby food?"
"I wonder if I will still be nursing her?"
"I wonder if she will do okay on the long flight?"

And now Austin has come and gone and we must admit we have a super active baby on our hands. I have also discovered "yes" to all the questions above. She is crawling, standing, and on the move, she loves baby food, she is still nursing, and did great on the flight!

New stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish
Wake Up Time: 6:00-7:00am
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: 2-3x/day for a total of 2-3 hours/day (she napped much less this month)
Bottles:3 x at school 5oz each.
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She is trying Stage 2 foods. Her favorites are Bananas, Apple, and Pears, Farmer's Market Veggies, and Spring Veggies with Mixed Grain. She does NOT like Applesauce. She also tried yogurt for the first time! She has grown to LOVE it and her favorite it YoBaby Blueberry! She also loves finger foods like cheerios, puffs, rice mum-mums, cut up banana, and toast!
Firsts: crawling with some speed now, standing up on everything with NO HANDS, saying "Dada," "Gagaga," "Mama," and "Baba" when she sees her bottle. She also clearly said "Dada" to Denny a few times this month. Yes, he about fainted! She also can do "squishy" face where she smooshes her face up and gives you a big fake smile. She has also learned to mimic us when we shake our head no. It's pretty cute!
Favorite Toys: Ottoman (or anything that helps her stand up), anything with strings, her Aden & Ananis lovies, anything that sings or lights up when she pushes it.

Speaking of toys with strings...this is Lucy ALL TIME favorite toy right now.

She drags it around the house everywhere she goes.

She likes to "sing" in to the microphone, push the piano buttons so they light up, and lift the toy up holding just the string!

And don't worry, I can stand with it too!

At 9 months, she is still a cuddle-bug and loves a weekend nap on Mommy!

Nothing better than playing in your footies!

Oh Lucy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. I just overheard your Daddy talking to you after your bath. He was brushing your "hair" in the bathroom mirror and telling you how beautiful you are. You were talking back to him too! I hope I never forget these moments. His love for you is never-ending. I hope you always know how much your Mommy and Daddy love you!

And Papa, here's a squishy face for ya :)


Mimi and Papa said...

And now I am 9 months old....where is that teeny little infant??? Lucy was such a wonderful baby for Mimi and Papa and we had so much fun having her all to ourselves. At Easton, Papa and I did get some strange looks - she was dressed in maize and blue and people were thinking Mimi had a "late in life" baby.... Thank God she is my grandchild because we came home exhausted. :) xo

Jenny and Jon said...

I absolutely LOVE the stage Lucy is in right now! She is active and responsive to you but yet can still nurse and fall asleep on your chest...CHERISH that, I only get that now with Jackson when he is sick and that is no fun!! Good thing I'm going to have another baby of my own to hold soon:) Can't wait to play with Lucy at Christmas!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Happy 9 Months, Miss Lucy! She changes so much every month. I'm afraid those first steps are coming fast...look at her standing!!!