5 months - sitting up
6 months - sitting up while reaching for things
7 months - crawling
8 months - pulling self to standing
8 months and 3 weeks - standing without holding on(and waving her arms around in excitement!)
8 months and 3 weeks - walking along furniture
8 months and 3 weeks - squatting and standing without assistance
As you just read, this has been quite the week for Lucy! She is changing every single day right before our very own eyes. She is also beginning to prefer to feed herself. Tonight for dinner she feed herself cheerios, bananas, sweet potato puffs, and green beans! She also LOVES YoBaby yogurt now too!
Oh Lucy, slow down please!
Okay. I'm putting money on it. She will be walking by Christmas. Eekkkk! Watch out world! (Ask Mom, but I think Jon was the only one of us who walked before one year. It will be hilarious to see such a little girl walking!)
I wish my babies would not grow up so fast....and if Lucy walks at Christmas, nobody or nothing will be safe... Watch out Christmas tree. Can't wait to see it.
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