Everyone has always said it me, "Time Flies" or "It goes way too fast," etc. But it never really meant much until we had Lucy. Now I couldn't agree more. It goes way, way too fast and suddenly we have a crawling, standing toothy happy 8 month old!
She loves to slide her tongue along her new teeth!
Pull herself up on anything she can.
Crawl with no problem.
So what's Lucy up to now-a-days?
Lucy goes to Little Village Academy Monday-Fridays from 8:00-4:00. She is adjusting very well but still not napping so great there. I think she'd rather play then sleep!
Lucy is a great eater! I am still breastfeeding her (yahoo for me!) and supplementing her bottles during the day with some formula. Lucy drinks 3 5oz. bottles during the day. Nurses once in the AM and 2-3 times in the evening before bed.
Lucy is loving solids! She eats a fruit in the AM, a veggie at lunch, and a fruit and/or veggie in the evening. She is also starting to enjoy feeding herself. She has begun to stuff puffs in her mouth farely successfully and this week also tired her first teething biscuit. It was a MESS but she LOVED it :)
What is this thing?
Lucy is quite the sleeper now too! After some tough love (wow, that was difficult) Lucy is now sleeping from 7:30/8:00ish - 6:00/7:00ish in the morning. Most nights she sleeps through the whole night without a peep but some nights she wakes, fusses for a few minutes, and then puts herself back to sleep! Hurray!
7 month stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish
Wake Up Time: 6:00-7:00am
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: 2-3x/day for a total of 3-4 hours/day
Bottles:3 x at school 5oz each.
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She has tried all Stage 1 foods and we have moved on to Stage 2 foods. She really loves the Pear/Blueberries, Spring Veggies and Rice, and Sweet Potato and Corn.
Firsts: crawling ALL OVER, standing up on EVERYTHING, saying "ba-ba-ba-ba-" and "ma-ma-ma-ma." I think she said "Mama"(yes, I about fainted). Denny went into her room when she woke up on Friday and I heard through the monitor, clear as day, "Mama!" :)
Favorite Toys: books, baskets (or anything that helps her stand up), small colorful blocks, Move & Crawl ball, Old McDonald baby puzzle, soft teething toys
We love you "Cheeser!"
You are our little "Cheeseball!"
The fun and games are really just beginning...behind that cheaser grin she is saying...look out mom and dad, I'm going to walk soon!!! This is a fun stage for you guys, enjoy it all!!
Happy 8 Months, Lucy! (love the picture where she has the teething biscuit in both hands...adorable and so developmentally appropriate!)
That grin!!!! It is almost as if she "gets" it and does this for the show...for the blog. haha. I can't wait to see you all soon. xo
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