Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!

...from litte Miss Piggy!


I love playing with this cute gourd!

This photoshoot was quite entertaining! We were trying to get a picture for Lucy's first Halloween card. Lucy wasn't feeling it.

"The sun is IN my eyes!"

"And I don't like this grass!"

"Did you really think the sidewalk would help?"

" Mommy's arms, that's better!"

" it is - CHEESE!"

Halloween Card photo 2010!

And a squishy face just for fun :)

But 1 costume is just not enough...

So meet Princess Josephine!

She is quite the beautiful, pink princess!

Princess hat, sparkly dress, and all (I bet cousin Ellie loves these pictures - ha!)

Mommy loves her princess!

Daddy, too!

Happy, Happy!

Unfortunately, none of us were feeling well enough to trick-or-treak this Halloween. And we sure missed having my friend Katie visit this weekend. But we did have a nice day together! The sunshine and fall breeze made it a great day! And we ended Lucy's first Halloween, with pumpkin pj's!
We hope you all had a wonderful Halloween weekend!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust...

...And another one gone, and another one gone. Another one bites the dust!

This could have been the theme song in our house this week.

Starting Monday night Lucy came down with the stomach bug, I followed Wednesday and Denny followed Thursday. Today is Friday and we are all home from work, recovering together. Please say a prayer this passes, as quickly as it came, and we are all healthy by Monday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday, Denny!

Happy Birthday to the best husband, friend, son, brother, and Daddy around!

I tried to pose you can see that didn't work too well!

This is the best we could do :)

HOORAY for Daddy's 29th birthday!

Now it's time to explore something...

Monday, October 25, 2010


It seems that everyday Lucy is reaching a new milestone...

5 months - sitting up
6 months - sitting up while reaching for things
7 months - crawling
8 months - pulling self to standing
8 months and 3 weeks - standing without holding on(and waving her arms around in excitement!)
8 months and 3 weeks - walking along furniture
8 months and 3 weeks - squatting and standing without assistance

As you just read, this has been quite the week for Lucy! She is changing every single day right before our very own eyes. She is also beginning to prefer to feed herself. Tonight for dinner she feed herself cheerios, bananas, sweet potato puffs, and green beans! She also LOVES YoBaby yogurt now too!

Oh Lucy, slow down please!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My cousin, Gracie!

Cousin Gracie came to Columbus to visit! Lucy ignored her for the most part...
But then she spotted her binkie!

Mission: I've got to steal Gracie's binkie!
I've got to get that....
Wait, Aunt Stacy...why is Gracie crying? (trying to look innocent!)

Lucy loves you and can't wait to play with you someday soon. And she promises to try and not steal your binkie anymore!

Lucy loved spending time with her family!

Monday, October 18, 2010

8 Month Crib Pictures!

Taking pictures of Lucy in the crib is interesting to say the least now! She is sooo mobile and always on the move. We took these shots and I thought maybe we should try again another day. But then I thought....heck, these show her TRUE COLORS! So here they are.

"I can hold the sign for you!'
"Yummy, this is pretty good!"

"Here, I'll stand for you..."

"Cheeser!!!" (Oh how we LOVE this little face)

Here's a good shot of Lucy's two teeth if you have't seem them in person. There are really starting to show.

And here's our little model showing off the expensive fleece that we almost caved and bought for her. We had to hurry out of the store before she had one in every color!

Totally overpriced....but boy was she cute in it!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Daddy works at Nationwide!

One evening last week Denny forgot something at work so we decided to make a little trip downtown to see his new office. Wow - quite different than his previous agency office. Nationwide is located right downtown Columbus in three HUGE skyscrapers! There are 35 floors in the building Denny works in and his office is located on the 11th floor.

Lucy had fun checking out the main lobby!

And she thought the fountains were pretty cool, too!

But most of all, she loved seeing the large arboretum in the main lobby...

Lucy and I think you're new work is pretty sweet!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

8 Months Old!

Wow! I almost can't say it. Here goes....Our Baby is 8 MONTHS OLD!!!

Everyone has always said it me, "Time Flies" or "It goes way too fast," etc. But it never really meant much until we had Lucy. Now I couldn't agree more. It goes way, way too fast and suddenly we have a crawling, standing toothy happy 8 month old!
She loves to slide her tongue along her new teeth!

Pull herself up on anything she can.

Crawl with no problem.

So what's Lucy up to now-a-days?

Lucy goes to Little Village Academy Monday-Fridays from 8:00-4:00. She is adjusting very well but still not napping so great there. I think she'd rather play then sleep!

Lucy is a great eater! I am still breastfeeding her (yahoo for me!) and supplementing her bottles during the day with some formula. Lucy drinks 3 5oz. bottles during the day. Nurses once in the AM and 2-3 times in the evening before bed.

Lucy is loving solids! She eats a fruit in the AM, a veggie at lunch, and a fruit and/or veggie in the evening. She is also starting to enjoy feeding herself. She has begun to stuff puffs in her mouth farely successfully and this week also tired her first teething biscuit. It was a MESS but she LOVED it :)
What is this thing?

Lucy is quite the sleeper now too! After some tough love (wow, that was difficult) Lucy is now sleeping from 7:30/8:00ish - 6:00/7:00ish in the morning. Most nights she sleeps through the whole night without a peep but some nights she wakes, fusses for a few minutes, and then puts herself back to sleep! Hurray!

7 month stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish
Wake Up Time: 6:00-7:00am
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: 2-3x/day for a total of 3-4 hours/day
Bottles:3 x at school 5oz each.
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She has tried all Stage 1 foods and we have moved on to Stage 2 foods. She really loves the Pear/Blueberries, Spring Veggies and Rice, and Sweet Potato and Corn.
Firsts: crawling ALL OVER, standing up on EVERYTHING, saying "ba-ba-ba-ba-" and "ma-ma-ma-ma." I think she said "Mama"(yes, I about fainted). Denny went into her room when she woke up on Friday and I heard through the monitor, clear as day, "Mama!" :)
Favorite Toys: books, baskets (or anything that helps her stand up), small colorful blocks, Move & Crawl ball, Old McDonald baby puzzle, soft teething toys

We love you "Cheeser!"

You are our little "Cheeseball!"

Pumpkin Patch!

This past weekend we took Lucy to her first pumpkin patch. The weather was a bit cold but fortunately Leeds Farm has a snack area upstairs the big barn so we were able to warm up! We had home-baked sugar cookies and hot cider after picking our pumpkins.

Laura and Canon joined us on our adventure!

Lucy thought the pumpkins were the perfect support...

Just her height...

Look at all the PUMPKINS!

"Mom, are you going to leave me standing here?"

"Hey Dad, look at me!!"

We had a fun day together as a family!

I think we have a Daddy's girl in the works here.

Lucy, you are such a beautiful baby...

Oh - I almost forgot. There were lots of animals too! HA!

I think we'll be back next year!