Saturday, March 8, 2014

Perrysburg Birthday Parties!

Julia and Craig offered to host a Perrysburg birthday party for Lucy!  It was wonderful to have all of our Perrysburg family together to celebrate Lucy's 4th birthday in one spot.

Lucy surrounded by her favorite people!

Lucy has the best Grandmas in the WORLD.

Nothing better than cousin time!

Eddie just enjoyed some attention.
Love bug!

"What's this?"

Eddie and Ethan with suckers.....TROUBLE!


We also celebrated my approaching 30th birthday!

Thanks for hosting this special party!  It was beautiful!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

We love our Lucy and would throw her a party everyday if we could! (Thanks for sharing picture of GiGi with me. Please submit it for the GiGi slideshow!)

Jenny and Jon said...

those pink pom poms you all boought like 3+ years ago are getting some mileage!!!