Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

Lucy had her first school party at St. Edward's for Halloween this year.  She and her sweet class, dressed in costumes, were very excited!
Mrs. Rogerson, the teacher she adores, also dressed up!

They started with songs in the church.  Motions, dancing, and singing...they were the cutest 3 year olds ever!

"Winking Jack O'lanterns!"

Then the parents lined the hallways of the school and church.  The children followed their teacher to "Trick or Treat" together.  They collected A LOT of candy!  And had a blast.

Eddie didn't miss out.  Nicole kept him happy with a sucker and he thought this was pretty amazing...
"Nicole, thanks for the candy!"


1 comment:

Mimi and Papa said...

I think the cowboy in the first picture spells TROUBLE! haha. Lucy is adorable as she participates in the Halloween songs and party. And how about Eddie... I will stock up on DumDums just for that reason.