Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Preschool is Coming!

Lucy has always loved the idea of "school!"  She loves that her Mommy is a teacher, loves to visit my classroom, and enjoys playing school.  In August she will start preschool at St. Edward's in Granville 3 mornings a week.

This summer we are playing "school" a lot and it is fun to see how ready she is!

She learned to write an "L" our first lesson!
She says "down and over" everytime she writes an L just like I taught her.

She also enjoyed using the dot marker to make letters.

We had a blast playing in my classroom!

She can't wait for Preschool to begin!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love the "L"! The game of Perfection brought a flood of memories...we must have had that game! :)