Happy 11 Months!
You are so independent now and really enjoy getting around. You are crawling, very fast. Standing up along furniture and new this month, standing up all on your own. You love to squeal in delight when you do a new trick and get everyone's attention!
"Here I come!!!"
Your chubby legs are the most wonderful thing in the world!
We love how you cautiously think about each move.
You love the Potterybarn Kids chairs and think you are pretty sweet when you climb on it.
You still adore all foods. Your favorite are yogurt, pancakes, cream cheese bagels, grapes, and toast. You are beginning to sign "more" and "all done" when eating. You love to clap for yourself when we cheer. And you have officially mastered the HI wave and BYE wave on command!
Happy 11 Months to our handsome, Eddie!
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