Sunday, March 24, 2013

Preparing for Easter!

Lucy was very excited about decorating Easter eggs this year.  Every time she saw supplies  in a store she would ask if we could decorate eggs today.

She really gets into sorting and organizing right now.  So she throughly enjoyed sorting the dye cups and tablets.

Lucy is also very sensitive to smells lately.  She thought the vinegar was stinky!

But she got right to work...
***Take note of the purple leotard.  That is her dress code 7 days a week.  We can't get it off her.  We will be thrilled when warm weather officially returns because this girl likes dresses, leotards, and skirts!

She was excited to show Daddy our pretty eggs...

Eggs are decorated and we are ready for Easter!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cracking up over her "stinky" face. (I love the smell of vinegar!)