Sunday, December 2, 2012

Our New House

211 Sunrise Street
Granville, Ohio

The first week of November we moved into a new house in the village of Granville.  It is a small, old, quant house within walking distance to uptown Granville.


It has a front porch...

a 2 car garage along the back alley...

a small backyard and a large back porch...

a little breakfast nook...

Lucy's bedroom door is at the bottom of a steep, old staircase...

an adorable, old bathroom...

an upstairs laundry room, off the bathroom...

We are lucky to have a great house to live in!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love the updates and love this house! I can't wait to see more detailed pics...especially the kids bedrooms! Darling home in such am awesome darling town. :)

Jenny and Jon said...

very cute..if I squint I see something that looks like a house in Perrysburg!!!