Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fall Clean Up

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon in November.  So we decided to let the kids play outside while we conquered the leaves.  With a large rake, leaf blower, and a new tarp we got the entire yard mostly finished in one day!

Lucy enjoyed a ride on her old dinosaur friend.

And Eddie charmed us in his exersaucer.

Sans blooper...

You are such a handsome little baby boy!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I really love his Ohio hat! Have you ever typed "Ohio" into etsy? They have so many cool locally made Ohio things...not OSU but Ohio which is cool!

Jenny and Jon said...

"That's baby" says Sarabeth...and she tried to take Eddie's paci right through the blog lol!!!

Jenny and Jon said...

"That's baby" says Sarabeth...and she tried to take Eddie's paci right through the blog lol!!!