Saturday, July 14, 2012

8 Weeks Old

*sorry for the late post we were on vacation in Michigan when Eddie turned 8 and 9 weeks old.

Here is Mr. Eddie at 8 weeks old!
8 weeks

It is hard to believe he is 2 months old already.
He has become a little bubbly, cooing baby!

He is wearing size 1 diapers.
Growing out of most of his newborn clothing(sad!) and starting to fit size 0-3 months.
He is on a great 3-hour during the day nursing schedule.
He is beginning to do longer and longer hours of sleep at night.  Most night just one feeding between 2:00-4:00 a.m.
He takes a nap after every feeding during the day.
Loves his car seat.
Loves his sister.
Loves smiling at his mom and dad.
Loves taking a warm bath. (he makes quite the mess with his kicking!)

Things Eddie doesn't like:
-when his booper gags him
-when Lucy bounces on the bed (or even better does a seat drop right next to him!)
-riding in the car when he wants to kick around and be free

His mom and dad love his big brown eyes and his big smile!


Happy 2 months!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

That last picture....those eyes. Those are Tinney eyes. LOVE!