Saturday, March 17, 2012

Diaper, princess shoes, necklace, and balloon...

What more do you need?
Laura and Lucy_120309_0026
Lucy would say nothing else. If she has her "shoes" and "necklace" and "bawoon"---then she is all set!

Laura and Lucy_120309_0029

She looks so BIG.
Laura and Lucy_120309_0035

"Sit like Mommy!'
Laura and Lucy_120309_0034
And this is what I get....HA!

Now it's time to "cook!"
Laura and Lucy_120309_0040

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! It is 75 and sunny here today. March 17th and 75! WOW! God is good :)

1 comment:

Mimi and Papa said...

I forced Papa to garden for about 2 hours and then he went off to golf. haha. I'm watching basketball in between sun time in the courtyard. It is actually HOT.
I am not complaining but wow, I have not put my wool clothing away yet.
Lucy knows what she needs...and that is all I have to say about that. haha