Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break 2012

We've had a wonderful week of family time! It is just what we all needed.

Here is a video of our big adventure to CoCo Key Waterpark! The password is "Lucy"

I wish you all could have seen her in person. She would run right up the steps, scoot to the top of the slide, and take off! She just loved every minute!

Monday, March 26, 2012

First Popsicle of the Season

Lucy, with her best friend, Aubrey! Enjoying an unseasonably warm spring day.


"Only where children gather is there any real chance for fun."
---Mignon McLaughlin, journalist and author

Happy Birthday, Aunt Julia!

Happy 30th Birthday, to Aunt Julia! We hope you have a special day. We had a wonderful weekend in Perrysburg, celebrating with you and your family. I will share pictures, once you post them, because I don't think we took a single picture all weekend. We were just enjoying ourselves too much!

I hope your birthday day and evening are a blast!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Beba (Grandpa Ehrmin) came for a visit last weekend. He also delivered and setup Eddie's new crib for us! Lucy loves her Beba....A LOT! She was thrilled to see him and I'm sure she didn't stop smiling all weekend. Beba is so generous with his time and is always willing to drive all the way to Columbus just to spend a day with Lucy. It is very appreciated by us, but even more by Miss L. And it shows....she LOVES him!

On Saturday, it was forecasted to be 78 and sunny. In March, in Ohio, this calls for the ZOO! So we got up, had breakfast, and arrived at the zoo by 10:00a.m.!

First stop....the gorillas! This big, fat guy sat there showing his teeth the whole time.
He was kinda gross so we quickly moved on.


Lucy loved the "birds," "monkeys," "fishy", and "penguins" the best.

Baby Eddie and Lucy with Mommy!
(33 week belly shot)

Now for the most exciting part of our day at the zoo ---Daddy showed Lucy the CAROUSEL! She wasn't sure at first so they watched and talked about it.

Minutes later she was dragging my hand to get in line. Denny had to run and get a ticket before the ride started.

At first she wasn't so sure...

Then a loud bell rang, and we were off...

And Lucy loved every second!

She waved, smiled, and screamed in joy!

[I'll share the truth here...I had to pull Lucy off the horse, kicking and crying, because she wanted "more." I can tell you everyone in line waiting thought this was pretty cute....UGH!]

We ended the day with a picnic lunch and the aquarium. Lucy loved seeing the "big fish" and told us the color of each one!

What a fun day at the zoo. A big thanks to Beba for another visit to Columbus. We had a blast with you.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Diaper, princess shoes, necklace, and balloon...

What more do you need?
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Lucy would say nothing else. If she has her "shoes" and "necklace" and "bawoon"---then she is all set!

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She looks so BIG.
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"Sit like Mommy!'
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And this is what I get....HA!

Now it's time to "cook!"
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I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! It is 75 and sunny here today. March 17th and 75! WOW! God is good :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Baby Eddie @ 32 Weeks!

Hello Baby Eddie!
Photo on 3-11-12 at 1.44 PM #2
We can't wait to meet you. It is hard to believe in less than 2 months you are due. We can't wait to welcome you into our family.

You are an active baby! Moving, kicking, and adjusting all the time. I love to feel your movements and anticipate what you will be like when you are born.

We have begun to setup your nursery. At this point Lucy's nursery was finished and her closet was stocked and organized. I am not as on top of things this time, but I promise I will get everything finished before you arrive!

Daddy brought your new changing table into your room today, and things are starting to get together. Here is a little sneak peak at your nursery. The colors are blue, white, red, and green and a dinosaur theme. Thank you to Aunt Julia for the Potterybarn find! I am so excited to get it ready for you!
photo (1)

We have lots to do and I will be working lots in the coming weeks. Your Beba is coming to Columbus next weekend to help us setup your new crib! (I still need to pick out bedding.) Then in April, your Mimi and Papa are coming to help me organize everything and get ready. Eddie, your family is so excited to meet you! We love you already.

Happy Leap Year Birthday!

This year I was able to celebrate a REAL birthday, as this is a Leap Year! I had a wonderful birthday and was spoiled by family and friends. It is amazing all the people that remember my birthday because of the Leap Year.

Denny and Lucy surprised me with beautiful flowers and a balloon at school.
The tulips were just gorgeous and lived over 2 weeks!

An even bigger surprise arrived around 10:30 when Megan brought Lucy to school with a pot of flowers for my desk! Lucy LOVES all the attention from my students and it was really nice to get to see her during the work day.

My teacher friends at school also surprised me with a lunch. They made lunch and bought a famous Granville "Dream Cake!" It was HUGE and the best part includes the white chocolate frosting and fresh raspberry layer inside!

At the end of the day there was a knock at my classroom door. It was a group of my past students and their parents! What a nice surprise! They brought cupcakes for my whole class to enjoy.
(Teddy, Mackenzie, Me, Madison, and Gracie) And yes, they are all taller than me.

The fun wasn't over yet...when I got home Denny and Lucy surprised me with another gift...
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...All Clad cookware!!!!

Lucy thought this called for a little "cooking." So she decided to put her food and her "All Clad" cookware in my pot and "cook!"
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What a special day I had! Thank you to all my friends and family that made it just perfect. It will be another 4 years before I celebrate the REAL one again. (And think....I will have a 6 and 4 year old then...WOW!)
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Happy 7th Birthday to me!

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Baby boy finally has a name!!!

We have decided to name him Edward. He is named after his Great-Grandfather Edwin Mutchler, Great-Grandfather Edward Peshke, and his Great-Uncle Edward Peshke! We will call him "Eddie!" for short!

We can't wait to meet you Eddie!

Eddie's Baby Shower!

Julia and Mimi hosted a Baby "Sprinkle"/Shower for Eddie this past weekend! It was a wonderful weekend to celebrate the coming arrival of our baby boy. Spending time with all of our family, to celebrate our coming addition, was a lot of fun. We feel blessed to have family that is so generous with us!

Julia and Mimi did a wonderful job planning, decorating, and organizing this event. The Burrow's house was adorably decorated. They didn't miss a beat!
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The desserts were AMAZING!
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The white cake with the "eddie" pendant was my favorite! So cute!

Denny and I were thrilled to be the guests of honor at this fun event.

Baby Eddie too!

Lucy had a blast with her family! She loves each and every family member so much and talks often about the fun she had with them.
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She even got a few gifts herself.
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The new flip-flops were a hit!

Thank you to everyone for coming to Eddie's Baby Shower! We love you all.
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And most of all, a BIG THANK you to Julia and Mimi for all your hard work. It meant so much and you did a great job!
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We can't wait to meet you EDDIE!