Eddie had his very first Cheerios on Christmas morning. He thought they were pretty amazing!
We woke up Christmas morning at Mimi and Papa's and Lucy opened Eddie's big present (haha!) a new race car track. I think she enjoyed "building" it with Papa more than playing with it. She helped him with each and every screw. We had a little breakfast and then headed to the Ehrmin's for the day.
We spent Christmas Day with the Ehrmin family and had a wonderful time! It was a blast watching Lucy and Grace squeal and scream over each and every present.
Eddie loved playing with everyone. He is such a charmer!
Baby Ethan is so precious!
Lucy and Grace spent most of the days dressed as Rapunzel!
But the best part of the day was Lucy telling Denny to wear a "crown" and "be my king!" They danced and danced and danced!
Denny's cousin were in town for the afternoon. Leslie and Jason(the couple we went to Austin, TX for their wedding) brought their cute son, Maks.
And Eddie charmed cousin Drew.
Beba with Ethan, Maks, and Eddie!
It was a great Christmas with the Ehrmin Family. We are lucky to have healthy, happy babies to celebrate the holiday with.
That evening we were back to Mimi and Papa's for dinner. Their home is so beautiful at the holidays...
(Did you spot Lucy?)
She was totally pooped after so much holiday fun!