Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas with the Ehrmins

Eddie had his very first Cheerios on Christmas morning.  He thought they were pretty amazing!

We woke up Christmas morning at Mimi and Papa's and Lucy opened Eddie's big present (haha!) a new race car track. I think she enjoyed "building" it with Papa more than playing with it.  She helped him with each and every screw.  We had a little breakfast and then headed to the Ehrmin's for the day.

We spent Christmas Day with the Ehrmin family and had a wonderful time!   It was a blast watching Lucy and Grace squeal and scream over each and every present.

Eddie loved playing with everyone.  He is such a charmer!
Baby Ethan is so precious!

Lucy and Grace spent most of the days dressed as Rapunzel!
But the best part of the day was Lucy telling Denny to wear a "crown" and "be my king!"  They danced and danced and danced!

Denny's cousin were in town for the afternoon.  Leslie and Jason(the couple we went to Austin, TX for their wedding) brought their cute son, Maks.

And Eddie charmed cousin Drew.

Beba with Ethan, Maks, and Eddie!

It was a great Christmas with the Ehrmin Family.  We are lucky to have healthy, happy babies to celebrate the holiday with.

That evening we were back to Mimi and Papa's for dinner.  Their home is so beautiful at the holidays...
(Did you spot Lucy?)

She was totally pooped after so much holiday fun!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve this year! Our family of four, Lucy 2.5 years old and Eddie at 7 months old, spent Christmas week in Perrysburg.

Eddie loved spending time with his Uncle Jay!
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Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony always host a beautiful Christmas Eve party for the whole Tinney Family!  Their gorgeous home is the perfect setting of Christmas Eve and the girls all enjoyed dressing like princesses for the night!

As we walked into the party it started to snow...
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Cousin love!


Anneliese and Lucy had a great time together!

The Tinney blood runs thick...

I think they favorite moments of the night were watching Gigi love on Eddie.  She is so wonderful with babies and he adores her.
We are lucky to have her with us for another Christmas Eve!

After the fun evening at the Knights, we were back to Mimi and Papa's for gifts.  The girls got their first American Girl doll and they sure loved it!
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Mimi and Papa had a beautiful tree this year, tall and big!  The girls are lucky to have such fun Mimi and Papa.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve with our family and children.

Merry Christmas to You!



Merry Christmas from The Ehrmin

Sunday, December 23, 2012


YAY!  Miss Lucy Josephine is offially potty trained.  I decided to conquer the task over the winter break because I knew I would have a good 2 weeks off with her.  We stayed home for 2 days straight and she just rocked it! Daddy went to work and we spent all day in the family room near the potty seat.


Tools that helps:
-candy, candy, candy
-no pants!

I think she was more than ready but with all the moves this summer we didn't want to add any more stress to her life.  In 2 days she was accident free and telling us whenever she had to go.


This is what Christmas morning looked like in our house!

HAHA!  She will kill me for the picture some day.  We went with the "pants free" approach for the first days so she wouldn't have to worry about getting them off.  She learned to like it and rocked "pants free" for more than 2 days. HA! Oh Lucy, we are so proud of you.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Morning (#1)

Saturday, December 22 we celebrated Christmas at our house in Granville.  We were excited to have Christmas morning together as a family, with the special gifts we had gotten Lucy and Eddie!  So we did it a few days early, before traveling to Perrysburg, and it worked out great!

Eddie was first up so we headed downstairs to get ready for Lucy to wake up.  Eddie was total enthralled with the tree and presents...

Lucy was still sleeping so I enjoyed giving Eddie a bottle on the couch while we waited for the fun morning to begin.

Lucy was up and the fun began.  She ran to find the tree and told us "Santa came!!!" We had presents under the tree from us and also from Jon and Jenny is Florida.  Lucy couldn't believe how many presents were waiting for her.

Her very favorite gift was a Doc McStuffin's Doctor Kit.  She wanted to open it immediately and give us a "check-up" because "I am a doctor" she would tell us.

A Disney Princess umbrella was also quite a hit!

Eddie enjoyed the wrapping paper most of all.  He loved all the excitement!

Merry Christmas 2012!

Eddie's 1st Christmas!

Monday, December 3, 2012

7 months

Mr. Edward turned 7 months old.
7 months

He LOVES food and has mastered the pincer grasp with puffs and yogurt melts.  He will smile, ear-to-ear, when he gets a piece of food to his mouth.  New this month: water sippy cup with more success, YoBaby yogurt, and Banana flavored Mum-Mums.

Eddie is scooting around, not a fast crawl, but gets where he wants to be! Most often this was the Christmas tree and decorations.

He is happy most of the time just watching his sister.  He loves the exersaucer, jumperoo, and sitting up on the carpet.

He still just has 2 teeth on the bottom and the top 4 have been moving in for awhile now.

Happy 7 months, Eddie! We love you!