Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Siesta Key, Florida - Thanksgiving

We are back from the most amazing vacation to Siesta Key!  The weather was just beautiful, Lucy adored every minute of the water and sand, and it was nice to spend relaxing time with family. Mimi and Papa, Jay, The Peshke Family, The Burrow Family all joined us on this trip.  Due to the quantity of pictures, and my inability to not share 1,000, this post will have to be in two parts!

Siesta Key - Part 1

We stayed in a condo with the Burrow family.  Saying the girls had a good time is quite the understatement.

Mornings included jumping on the king size bed at 7:30 am...
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Sprout, Elmo, and cuddling...
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We would then head to the beach for the morning.  Usually this was about 8:30am - 11:30am when the girls were starving and tired. We would head back to the condo for lunch and a nap.  Then it was back to the beach for the afternoon. The beach was a blast and the water and sand were all the entertainment needed.
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The wagon was perfect to lug the girls to and from the beach each day!
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Check this girl out!  She was in her hay-day with Daddy and the ocean.
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Mimi and Papa were quite the hit as well.  All the grandbabies would shout "Mimi, Papa!" as they walked down the boardwalk.  They were like the celebrities on our beach!
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Lucy could get Papa to do anything she dreamed, as she learned to grab his hand a lead him to the ocean. HA!
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Oh, don't you worry.  If Lucy didn't get her way, she would let us all know!
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Yes, that is a tantrum "face in the sand-style!"  She had by-passers on the beach stopping to "awwwww!" her! She's just a tad dramatic.

In the evenings, before dinner we would head back to the beach for the sunset.  The PRETTIEST time on the beach.  The light was just beautiful, almost surreal, and we would all try to capture it on film!
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We got smart and brought along bribes....a.k.a. cookies!

Lucy will do anything for a cookie!
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Lucy adores her older cousin, Ellie.  And wanted to do whatever she was doing....
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This ends Part 1!
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Part 2 coming soon...


Mimi and Papa said...

Well, part 1 is amazing and I can't wait for part 2. Wow. Made me sit here all by myself and cry and laugh at the same time. We must take our time so our book tells the story like your blog just did.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

You have some magnificent pictures! Love the story that goes along with favorites are the pictures of the girls in their jammies in the condo. (I've got to do something for poor raggamuffin Anneliese. That hair may have to be cut if she won't tolerate a hairclip, YIKES! People might call for neglect!) Lucy on the beach and the boardwalk is so cool! Can't wait for part 2...and I'm adoring having you back to life in the blogosphere! :)