Thursday, December 29, 2011

It's A BOY!!!!

We are so excited to share our big news!

#1 I have a healthy, kicking, active baby growing!

#2 IT'S A BOY!

Denny and I were both shocked because we were expecting to hear "girl."  But we are totally thrilled and couldn't be more excited to have a little boy joining our family.  The ultrasound went great and then doctor was pleased to see a healthy heart, bladder, skull, brains, kicking feet, and two hands curled up by his face.

Here are some pictures from our ultrasound!

Baby Boy's side profile

Baby Boy laying on his side...(You can see two feet and two arms)

BEST OF ALL....It's a B-O-Y!!!

Thursday evening we drove to Perrysburg to have a GENDER REVEAL dinner with our families.  It was a blast!  We didn't get many pictures that night but here are a few!

Proud Big Sister with Grandpa!
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Julia, Craig, Anneliese, and Ellie were there too!
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I had fun making chocolate cupcakes for the big surprise.  I filled the center with BLUE frosting!  Everyone had to cut into their cupcake to find out the gender.
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It's a BOY!
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Julia had cute balloons waiting on the table when we arrived.
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This one was the WINNER!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 20th!

Tomorrow, December 20th is our 20 week ultrasound at 11:00am.  Please say a prayer for a healthy baby. It is an important ultrasound to check on our baby's development.  We are so excited to see our baby again and find out the gender!

We are also excited to have a special dinner with our immediate families Thursday evening to share the gender! We will not be sharing the news with anyone until we have done the BIG REVEAL with our families Thursday night.

Get your guesses in now if you haven't yet!

Uncle Craig
Uncle Jay
Uncle Tim
Aunt Stacy
Aunt Emily
Grandma Dee

Aunt Julia
Aunt Megan
"Aunt" Melanie
Aunt Jenny

Sunday, December 18, 2011

December Happenings...

What a fun month this has been so far.  Lucy is 22 months old and changing  The biggest change I have noticed is in her vocabulary.  Not a day goes by that she doesn't say a new word.

Recent new words/phrases include:
-"Santa says "Ho, Ho, Ho"
-"Birthday Party for Jesus" (Yes, this totally shocked us.  Megan had told her they were going to a Birthday Party for Jesus at Aubrey's school and Lucy wanted to tell us about it. ha!)
-"It's Cold"
-"No want to sleep now"
-"Daddy at work?"
-"Want to watch iPad show"
-"No Milk, want WaWa"

Also, in other BIG NEWS.....LUCY HAD HER FIRST SUCCESS ON THE POTTY THIS MORNING! We have been experimenting (a.k.a playing on the potty) for a few months.  This morning she pulled my hand towards the hallway and said "potty!"  I assumed she wanted to sit and play with the toilet paper again.  But we tried...and minutes later, after playing with the toilet paper for awhile, she tinkled on the potty!  Denny had just wanted in and she looked at us with so much pride!  It was the cutest moment!  We wiped, flushed, washed hands, and ran totally naked to the kitchen for M-Mies. (a.k.a M&M's.)  I am convinced this little girl with have much future success if M-Mies are on the line!

Megan shared some pictures with me from Aubrey's Preschool Christmas Program! Here the girls are getting ready to leave.

And at the show she sat on Brian's lap. She adores Brian and I often arrive to pick her up from the Crumley's and her and Brian are running around the house.  She likes men...a lot....I know,we are in for some trouble!
Here Lucy is doing the hand motions with the preschoolers.  Megan told me there were moments she was spot on with the song.  Haha!  Lucy, sorry we are not ready for you to go to preschool yet!

Aubrey is such a sweetie.  We are lucky to have such a nice playmate for Lucy during the day.

In other BIG NEWS, Wednesday is our 20 weeks ultrasound.  It is hard to believe I am 5 months into this pregnancy.  I am starting to feel the baby daily and Denny has also been able to feel the kicks.  We are very excited and nervous to see our little baby.  We are praying for a healthy, kicking, little baby.  We will also find out gender.....hmmmmmm?  Guesses? (Let me know so I can update this for baby #2.)

Uncle Craig
Uncle Tim

Aunt Julia
Aunt Megan
"Aunt" Melanie
Aunt Jenny

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Meeting Santa Claus!

Last weekend we went to Granville's Candlelight Walking Tour.  It is a really special day in Granville and all the shops stay open late, the sidewalks are lined with lanterns, sleigh rides, homemade hot cocoa and kettle corn, carolers singing, and a Santa Parade! Stacy, Grace, Megan and Tim joined us for dinner too!

Here's a shot of Lucy in the kitchen before we went to the Candlelight Tour.  She looks about 12 giving her Daddy this look like, "Daddy, what do you want now?" HA!
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Lucy patiently waiting and playing in line while the parade arrived.
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We were smart and got in line during the Santa Parade so we were the 9th people to meet Santa after he arrived.
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Take note of her face.  She was less than enthused to sit with Mrs. and Mr. Claus.  She said "no want to" about sitting on Santa's lap but was a bit more willing to with Mrs. Claus.  I do think the candy cane helped.  We snapped some quick photos before she was "all done!"

I can't believe Christmas is 12 days away!!! And we get a long break together as a family, too!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Siesta Key, Fl - #2

I have more pictures from our wonderful trip that I can't help but share! (Now that it is 30-40 degrees in Ohio this week it feels even better to look at these pictures.)

Our last full day in Florida we did a little photoshoot on the beach with Miss Lucy.  She put on her ruffle bloomers, cute tank, and pink sunglasses and was ready to go.  We didn't have to worry about the attitude and sass because she was ALL READY!!!!

Here is Miss Florida 2011! HA!
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Oh Lucy, thanks for modeling for us.  You really worked the "boardwalk!"

I was even lucky enough to get a Mommy/Daughter picture.
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Our little beach-bum adores the sand and water.
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She also adores Papa and cuddling in a warm towel.  Although, I think Papa enjoyed this moment just as much.
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We went out to a fun dinner at Phillippi Creek! (An Ehrmin family favorite!)
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We even had a chance to capture some family photos.  From the oldest grandchild, Elisabeth. To the youngest, Sarabeth!  They all love their Mimi and Papa.
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(Anneliese, Sarabeth, Ellie, Lucy and Jackson)

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Mimi and Papa and their 4 children.
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The WHOLE gang!
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Our little fam.
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Our last day on the beach was a blast.  The kids all soaked up the last day of sand, surf, and sun.
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What a vacation!  Time to go back yet?  I could use 80 and sunny right about now.  And Lucy wouldn't mind playing in the ocean again!

Some of my favorite shots from the week.  I wish I could freeze her at 21 months. We love you Lu!
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Siesta Key, Florida - Thanksgiving

We are back from the most amazing vacation to Siesta Key!  The weather was just beautiful, Lucy adored every minute of the water and sand, and it was nice to spend relaxing time with family. Mimi and Papa, Jay, The Peshke Family, The Burrow Family all joined us on this trip.  Due to the quantity of pictures, and my inability to not share 1,000, this post will have to be in two parts!

Siesta Key - Part 1

We stayed in a condo with the Burrow family.  Saying the girls had a good time is quite the understatement.

Mornings included jumping on the king size bed at 7:30 am...
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Sprout, Elmo, and cuddling...
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We would then head to the beach for the morning.  Usually this was about 8:30am - 11:30am when the girls were starving and tired. We would head back to the condo for lunch and a nap.  Then it was back to the beach for the afternoon. The beach was a blast and the water and sand were all the entertainment needed.
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The wagon was perfect to lug the girls to and from the beach each day!
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Check this girl out!  She was in her hay-day with Daddy and the ocean.
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Mimi and Papa were quite the hit as well.  All the grandbabies would shout "Mimi, Papa!" as they walked down the boardwalk.  They were like the celebrities on our beach!
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Lucy could get Papa to do anything she dreamed, as she learned to grab his hand a lead him to the ocean. HA!
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Oh, don't you worry.  If Lucy didn't get her way, she would let us all know!
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Yes, that is a tantrum "face in the sand-style!"  She had by-passers on the beach stopping to "awwwww!" her! She's just a tad dramatic.

In the evenings, before dinner we would head back to the beach for the sunset.  The PRETTIEST time on the beach.  The light was just beautiful, almost surreal, and we would all try to capture it on film!
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We got smart and brought along bribes....a.k.a. cookies!

Lucy will do anything for a cookie!
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Lucy adores her older cousin, Ellie.  And wanted to do whatever she was doing....
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This ends Part 1!
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Part 2 coming soon...