Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ultrasound Pictures!

The appointments went great today and we got ultrasound pictures! It is hard to see the baby but if you look closely between the "x's" you can see the 1 cm little baby! Looking at measurements in the ultrasound, I am either 7 week or 8 weeks along. Dr. Atwood confirmed the due date of February 1, 2010 but she said she will check it again at the next ultrasound!



Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I'm the proudest Auntie! I am so blessed with a beautiful godson and I can't wait to love your little one! Congratulations on a successful appointment!

Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi, Papa and Uncle Jay think that is the cutest baby ever! (even at 1 cm we think he/she is beautiful) Take good care of yourselves and enjoy this pregnancy!. xo