The appointments went great today and we got ultrasound pictures! It is hard to see the baby but if you look closely between the "x's" you can see the 1 cm little baby! Looking at measurements in the ultrasound, I am either 7 week or 8 weeks along. Dr. Atwood confirmed the due date of February 1, 2010 but she said she will check it again at the next ultrasound!
Tomorrow is our first doctors appointment! @ 10:15 we meet with Nurse Becky to go over the "do's" and don'ts" and our family history. I'm sure I'll have to get some blood drawn for tests, etc. Then @ 3:00 we meet with Dr. Atwood for our first prenatal exam. We are SO excited for the ultrasound to see our baby for the FIRST TIME! If all goes well, we will be able to share our news with family and friends. So far only our immediate family knows and they have done a great job keeping the secret (THANK YOU) but we are very excited to spread the news with everyone once we get the go-ahead from the doctor!
For the past few weeks, morning (all-day) sickness is taking over. The only things I want to eat include:
Sunday, June 14th through Wednesday, June 17th we went to Mohican State Park for a little vacation with the whole Ehrmin family! It was a blast! The days were full of eating, boating, canoeing, hanging out, bonfires, etc! Luckily, the morning sickness wasn't too bad during the trip and we were all really able to enjoy ourselves!
Saturday, June 13th was my Masters graduation at Otterbein College! I am so glad to be finished with my Masters and more importantly done with evening classes. Laura, Megan, and I finished the program in 18 months!
It was a great day although I wasn't feeling too well. The "morning" sickness set in this week and was full force at my celebration dinner at Cheesecake Factory! Thanks to Mom and Papa for taking us out!
On Sunday, Julia and Craig had hosted lunch at their house to celebrate Mom's Birthday! Elisabeth was obviously the star of the day as she played in her "Little Mermaid" pool! I quizzed Julia about every detail in her pregnancy journal as we sat on the back porch (good advice coming from a mother and a doctor)!
Saturday evening we went to Stacy and Kevin's for Emily and Megan's Birthday Celebration. As soon as everyone arrived, we shared the news! We couldn't wait another minute!!! We celebrated "the news", my graduation from graduate school, and the twin's birthdays!
Saturday we drove to Perrysburg to share "the news" with our families. Our first stop, The O'Bryants. Mom, Papa, Jay, Julia, Craig, Elisabeth, and Grams were all home when we arrived! *We also called Jon, Jenny and Jackson in Florida to share the news!
How are we going to share "the news" with our families? We decided we should use our new camera and some pictures to surprise our families this coming weekend. Here are a few of the shots from the photo session!